Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Ferguson Fallout
Though it has been a week since the grand jury reached its decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson, Ferguson continues to dominate the national conversation.

This is the case for a number of reasons.
Protests continue throughout the country.  While most remain peaceful, businesses and communities such as Ferguson are still recovering from the looting and arson that took place following the grand jury's decision. 
On Hannity, we put up pictures and video of those who committed such crimes.  The purpose is to make sure that justice is served, which is important because we do not want this type of behavior to continue or happen again.
Unfortunately, this type of behavior was encouraged by some, including Michael Brown's own stepfather who was caught on tape yelling, “Burn this b**** down!”  We can understand a parent who is upset over the death of a child, but did this go too far in inciting people to riot?
He was not the only one making such remarks.  Screwy Louis Farrakhan incited a crowd over the weekend saying, “we’ll tear this g**damn country apart!”
Should people who incited Ferguson riots be prosecuted? 
The danger is that if people can get away with incendiary language like this at such a charged time, or get away with the looting, aren't we sending a message that this is acceptable and you can get away with it next time?
Additionally, what about the people who committed obvious perjury before the grand jury?
I believe there are lessons to be learned here...(continue reading)
Out Staggering National Debt
Our national debt has officially reached an astounding $18 trillion. 
This is a historic number, which represents an increase of $32 billion every single day.
When Barack Obama became president in January 2009 our national debt was a little over $10.5 trillion.
While that was already an astounding figure, our debt has now increased 70% during Obama's presidency. 
It has now surpassed 100% of our debt to GDP ratio.
It's difficult to imagine how we even stop the accumulation of debt, much less turn the tide and begin to pay it down. 
We could start with a balanced budget amendment.
It is our children, grandchildren and future generations who will ultimately pay the price.  We are saddling them with debt that is virtually unsustainable and that is a crime.
Source: Zero Hedge

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