Monday, December 8, 2014


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Hi everyone! Here's the newsletter for December 8th. Enjoy!

From the Blog

Is jihad pilot Adnan Shukrijumah dead or alive?

I’ve written many times over the last decade about Adnan Shukrijumah, the FBI Most Wanted terror plotter and jihad pilot. Refresher: On the anniversary of 9/11 this year, I asked...

Obama’s scandal-tainted BCBG (best Chicago golfing buddy)

In his “Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior,” George Washington offered this sage advice:
“Associate with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for it is better to be alone than in bad company...”

Of course: Movie being made about Barack & Michelle’s first date

This will probably still do great box office from members of the mainstream media, but from a business standpoint it’s being put out a solid six years too late...

Most predictable thing ever just happened to Mary Landrieu

Wow, I guess bravely blocking Obama’s true intent by supporting the passage of Obamacare and personally volunteering to construct the Keystone pipeline wasn’t enough for Louisiana voters...

Hillary Clinton bolsters national security cred: US needs to empathize with and respect its enemies

If Hillary Clinton is in the White House when that 3 a.m. phone call comes, and it’s a sworn enemy of the U.S. threatening to destroy the country, hopefully they’ll find comfort in a great big Hillary hug...

More From the Right Side of the Web

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