Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
GOP Moment of Truth
A new Bloomberg poll shows the GOP enjoying a five-year peak in popularity while Obama's approval rating has hit its lowest point ever. Republicans have been granted a massive second chance. Either rise or fall. This is their moment of truth.

Americans have soundly rejected Obama's policies and the 99-percenters, the Democrats in Washington who supported his policies. This is a mandate for timid, weak-kneed Republicans to do what the American people elected them to do.

I want to take you back to the day Obama was elected. I said that the country "would come a-callin'" for conservatism. It's taken longer than I wish, but conservatism is finally the answer to the predictable failure of Obama's presidency.

The GOP needs to show they are a party that will stop Obama and liberalism, and they need to produce a governing vision that is inspired to make a better, safer, more secure country for our children and grandchildren.

The public is hungry for solutions, an alternative. Republicans have been granted a massive second chance. Either rise or fall. This is their moment of truth.
Conservative Solutions Work
I've outlined my own ideas for a governing, my Conservative Solutions Caucus. Among the ideas are ways to get our finances in order and quit robbing from our grandchildren, Health Savings Accounts as an alternative to ObamaCare, securing the border, and energy independence.

Did you hear, by the way, that incomes in North Dakota have more than doubled since the oil boom took off in 2006? They have increased 108%!

That sort of success could be duplicated throughout the country, but Republicans need to have a backbone in order to achieve such success on a national scale.

Another warning: Liberals are ramping up for state-by-state pushes in 2016. According to a report in Politico, progressives have figured out that voter turnout increases when they put issues like marijuana, minimum wage, and firearm background checks on the ballots. Republicans can do the same thing. Call RNC chairman Reince Priebus and warn him.

My advice: Do what you were elected to do, rather than hiding behind arrogance and cowardice.

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