Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
CIA Report Fallout
In a last minute, “Screw you, I'm leaving!” political hatchet job, Senate Democrats led by Dianne Feinstein released a summary of their investigation into the CIA following September 11th.  This has put Americans around the world in harm's way and will do long-term damage to our credibility.
Here is some of the fallout:
  • The United Nations has already called for those who planned and executed the practices outlined in the report to be put on trial.
  • The Council on American-Islamic Relations wants those responsible to be held accountable, and they want the full 6,000 page report to be released.
  • U.S. troops around the world are now on high alert as a result of this report's release.
Something important to note about this report is that it is a cherry-picked attempt to prove a liberal narrative.  That narrative includes the fact that our actions post-9/11, including enhanced interrogation techniques, failed to produce meaningful intelligence. 
This is flat-out wrong. 
Who would know better than former CIA Directors George Tenet, Porter Goss and Michael Hayden, and former CIA Deputy Directors John McLaughlin, Albert Calland and Stephen Kappes?  They've penned an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today explaining how these interrogations saved lives. 
But guess who the Senate Intelligence Committee never spoke to during their investigation for this report?  Former CIA Directors George Tenet, Porter Goss and Michael Hayden, and former CIA Deputy Directors John McLaughlin, Albert Calland and Stephen Kappes.
Yet people like Vice President Joe Biden called the release of the report a “badge of honor.”  There is nothing honorable about putting Americans lives at risk for the sake of political partisanship.  If Americans lose their lives as a result of this report, there will be blood on the hands of Dianne Feinstein.
This is a moral disgrace and a national security disaster, and I really fear what may follow as a consequence of their stupidity.
Explosive Gruber Hearing
This week, MIT professor and ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber testified before the House Oversight Committee.  Gruber strategically decided not to answer many questions and instead fall on his sword. 
Gruber was one of the key people involved in getting ObamaCare passed.  He's often cited as an “architect” of the failed law, though many Democrats have tried to deny that. 
If you will recall, numerous videos have surfaced recently of Gruber explaining that ObamaCare couldn't be passed on its own merits.  Instead, it relied on trickery, written in a “tortured” way so as to not be scored by the CBO as a tax. 
He also explains in various ways that this obfuscation was important, as was the belief that the American people are “stupid” enough that they would fail to understand the true nature of the bill. 
In other words, ObamaCare was written as a lie, sold as a lie and they felt they could get away with it because the American people are stupid.
So how much did Gruber get paid to help orchestrate this lie?  He couldn't recall during yesterday's hearing.  He used the phrase “I don't recall” countless times, playing dumb in order to get himself out of this tight spot.  But he certainly recalls a lot of details on how ObamaCare was manipulated and tortured in order to pass. 
Make no mistake.  Gruber was not the only person involved in such lies and trickery when it comes to ObamaCare.  His comments just help to expose the scam. 
This goes up to the White House.  Gruber met with Obama in the White House for four hours (who gets to do that?).  And it goes up to Democratic lawmakers like Nancy Pelosi and Obama administration officials like Kathleen Sebelius who have tried to claim ignorance.  But the fact is that they cited Gruber on multiple occasions in their efforts to sell ObamaCare at the time. 
This “Grubergate” reveals a lot about liberalism; they think we are stupid. 
ObamaCare was always about transferring wealth.  It was a Ponzi Scheme, taking from the young, healthy and wealthy and transferring wealth to the sick, elderly and uninsured.  They knew they were lying about keeping our doctors, insurance.  They knew they were lying about prices dropping and bringing down the deficit. 
Democrats are still playing a price for this political catastrophe.  Look not further than massacre in Louisiana over the weekend.  Even Harry Reid just admitted that Democrats “never recovered from the rollout.” 
Politically, the Democrats will eventually recover but average Americans are stuck with the consequences of ObamaCare unless Republicans get their act together and implement a viable solution.

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