Thursday, December 11, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Time to Purge the RINOs?
Congress has cobbled together an Omnibus spending bill that would fund the government through the 2015 fiscal year.  It represents a failed opportunity for the Republicans to stand up to Barack Obama.
Are the Republicans unaware that they have just been given an electoral mandate by the American people, who rejected the Obama agenda at the ballot box in November?
Yet they are still immobilized by the thought of being blamed for a government shutdown, if they were to have used this opportunity over funding the government to fight against any of Obama's policies they ran on opposing. 
For example, can you name a Republican who ran in November who didn't run against ObamaCare?  Yet this omnibus bill would fund ObamaCare through October 1st of next year.  This allows more time for the roots of this horrible law to become deeper and more entrenched in our society.  This will thusly make it all the more difficult to get rid of, which absolutely needs to happen.
Even with Republicans becoming the governing party of America in January, in Washington and throughout much of the country, it still feels as though many Republicans in Washington, particularly in leadership, are weak and timid.  They are afraid of standing up to this president, which means they are not serious about standing on conservative principles.
Where is this fear of confronting Obama and aggressively defunding ObamaCare coming from?  This is rooted in a belief system that if they take this head on, politically they will pay a price – that's my interpretation. 
But if they aren't willing to do take on ObamaCare, then what are they willing to do?
Is it now time to purge the RINOs?...continue reading
Losing The American Dream
Only 64% of Americans believe it is possible to achieve the American Dream, according to a recent New York Times poll
That's the lowest figure in two decades, and even lower than the recent financial crisis of 2008.
It's not hard to understand why. 
Nearly one out of every six Americans lives in poverty.  In fact, a report released by the Census Bureau this week finds that 65% of children in America live in a household receiving some sort of federal aid from the government.
Wages have stagnated in the Obama “recovery.”
Millions have given up looking for work and simply dropped out of the labor force.  The labor force participation rate is at a 36-year low.
More and more people are becoming reliant on the government, which never manages to pull people out of poverty.  A new report shows that over 46 million Americans now collect food stamps, and that number has been at that record high for the last three years.  To put things into perspective, less than 3 million Americans collected food stamps in 1969.
Opportunities for achievement exist, but the government needs to get out of the way. 
It needs to stop robbing our children and grandchildren.  Did you know that the federal government is collecting a record amount of tax revenue and yet still running deficits?  According to CNS News, “The U.S. Treasury continued to rake in tax dollars at a record rate in November as the federal government closed out the first two months of fiscal 2015 with $404,155,000,000 in total receipts, according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today … Even with these record revenues, the Treasury ran a deficit of $178.531 billion deficit in October and November as it spent $582.686 billion.”
And the government needs to stop acting as a barrier for businesses such as those in the energy sector.  The prosperity of places like North Dakota could be replicated throughout the nation.  Incomes in North Dakota have nearly doubled over the last decade, and this is because of energy exploration.
It is still possible for Americans to achieve the American Dream, but the solution isn't more government.  The government is part of the problem in preventing Americans from living up to their full potential as individuals in a free society.

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