Monday, December 29, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Lessons of 2014: Obama Care Is A Failure
It's been over one year since the roll out of Obama Care, and it remains a disaster for the American health care system and for our wallets. According to a report in the Daily Signal, "In eleven states, premiums for twenty-seven-year-olds have more than doubled since 2013; in thirteen states, premiums for fifty-year-olds have increased more than 50 percent."

Similar increases are set for group markets as well. So much for the president's promise of cutting healthcare costs by $2,500 per family per year. President Obama also promised that Obama Care would cut the deficit.

A new CBO analysis finds that Obama Care will increase the deficit by $100 billion over the next decade. Free-market health care solutions would work, if only we had a chance to implement them and a president who was willing to even entertain the idea.
The American People Know Obama Care Is Awful
No matter how many times MSNBC says it, Obama Care is not working.

Just ask the American people.

Earlier this year, Gallup polling showed that more Americans feel Obama Care is hurting them compared to the number of Americans who believe the law has helped them.

This includes double the amount of Democrats from May of this year who feel the law is now hurting them.

Who can blame them? The bad news on Obama Care continues to pour in.

Who can blame them? The bad news on Obama Care continues to pour in.
Wal-Mart is cutting its health insurance for 300,000 part-time workers and raising rates for other employees because of Obama Care.

And Wal-Mart isn't the only employer that has cut coverage or been forced to shift costs in order to adjust to Obama Care mandates.

The bottom line is that the American people are worse off under Obama Care. Thank you, Mr. President!

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