Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Double Down
The Obama administration made two face-palm statements this week. Climate change is a bigger threat than terrorism, according to President Obama. And the shooting at a Kosher deli in Paris was random had nothing to do with Judaism. Seriously?

I covered Obama's comments about the media over-hyping terrorism. ABC News' Jonathan Karl asked Press Secretary Josh Earnest to clarify Obama's comments. Earnest gave this answer (in many versions) as Karl pressed him: "The point that president is making is that there are many more people on an annual basis who have to confront the impact, the direct impact on their lives of climate change or on the spread of a disease than on terrorism."

If you ask the American people, they would disagree. Polling by Pew Research has found the following: "Nearly half of Americans (48%) rated global climate change as a major threat - well behind concerns such as the militant group ISIS (67%), Iran's nuclear program (59%) and North Korea's nuclear program (57%). In an international survey last year, Americans were among the least concerned about climate change threatening their country. Global warming also ranked near the bottom of Americans' 2014 priorities for President Obama and Congress (28% said it was a top priority)."

Again we have a president who is ideologically rigid, convinced that whatever he deems important should be accepted by the public as truth. Hence his frustration that the media didn't cover his desired issues (like climate change) and instead focuses on international terrorism, Americans being beheaded, countries that hate us obtaining nuclear weapons.
Brian Williams Suspended
As controversy swells, NBC has decided to suspend Brian Williams for six months without pay. Lester Holt will temporarily replace the anchor as NBC searches for potential new talent to fill his role, perhaps permanently?

Williams' story of his experience covering the war in Iraq is what began to unravel the veteran anchor's credibility in recent days. It turns out that after 12 years of propagating a lie about his experience of being shot at while riding in a helicopter convoy in Iraq, the experience wasn't quite as dramatic as he made it out to be.

This then led others, including NBC News, to question some of his other possibly sensational reporting on stories like Hurricane Katrina, for example.

After taking himself off the air for a few days, NBC has now decided to suspend Williams.

It's hard to have a lot of sympathy, but overall Williams has come across as likeable and not necessarily a shining example of media bias. But the way Williams is being treated certainly reminds me a lot of how conservatives in the news are treated almost on a daily basis. If a conservative had been caught in a similar situation, the outcry and consequences would arguably be far worse.

Nonetheless, the issue of credibility and lying makes us wonder why people like Brain Williams find himself surrounded in controversy when politicians like Hillary Clinton can get away with blatant, bold lies and yet live to pursue something as grandiose as the presidency. She survived her false tale of coming under sniper fire in while landing in Bosnia in 1996.

Or what about Obama, who has lied to us on many occasions? Why are we holding them to different standards?
Attention New York Fans!
Attention all New York area Hannity fans! One of Sean's favorite restaurants, Paul's On Times Square, has a special Valentine's Day menu planned!
View the Special Valentine's Menu Here!

If you mention the show or Lynda (Sean's fabulous radio producer) you'll receive a free bottle of champagne!

What are you waiting for? Call and make a reservation for Valentine's Day now!

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