Thursday, February 12, 2015


Half-hearted War
A vast majority of Americans (73%) believe that the Obama administration does not have a clear strategy for defeating ISIS. Do you agree?

The latest Fox News polling shows that 73% of Americans do not believe the Obama administration has a clear strategy for defeating ISIS, which is worse than when the question was posed to the public in September 2014.

This week, Obama put force his request for an Authorization for a Use of Force to target ISIS. It essentially promises three things: We won't engage in an enduring war but a limited one of no more than three years, we won't commit ground troops and we'll repeal the 2002 Use of Force Resolution against Iraq.

In typical Obama fashion, we are telling the enemy exactly what we aren't willing to do. Defeat and destroy isn't really the goal; the goal is to engage but only to the point where Obama is ideologically comfortable.

If you ask military leaders, intelligence officials and lawmakers, they will tell you that defeating ISIS without ground troops is unlikely. Even United States UN ambassador Samantha Power admits, "Ground troops are necessary but they are not going to be American ground troops. You have to get the Iraqis and ultimately the Syrian moderate opposition groups up so they can fight the fight on the ground. There has to be a fight on the ground. You can't do this by air. Everybody acknowledges that."

Ignoring this advice, the president doesn't seem to be taking ISIS seriously.
Slow To Decide The Daily Beast reports that the White House waited a month to make a decision to rescue ISIS hostages last summer; the dithering ultimately led to an unsuccessful rescue attempt and those hostages - among them Kayla Mueller, James Foley and Steven Sotloff - were subsequently killed.

It makes you wonder where we would be in regards to ISIS had this president not withdrawn our troops from Iraq like he did. Had he left some intel/training forces, perhaps the rise of ISIS would never have come to this dangerous point. In an effort to fulfill his ideological promise to end the war in Iraq and bring the troops home, Obama has arguably created a vacuum for ISIS to thrive and is far more dangerous in the long-run.

This is just what George Bush once warned about in 2007 when speaking to the dangers of pulling too quickly out of Iraq. He warned that "troops will have to return to face an enemy that's far more dangerous." That's exactly what we are facing now.
Reports are that more than 20,000 foreign fighters are streaming into the region to fight alongside ISIS. This includes Americans. CBS News reports, "Nick Rasmussen, chief of the National Counterterrorism Center, said the rate of foreign fighter travel to Syria is without precedent, far exceeding the rate of foreigners who went to wage jihad in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen or Somalia at any other point in the past 20 years."

ISIS is at war with the world. It doesn't seem like President Obama is serious in his half-hearted attempt to defeat and destroy.

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