Friday, March 27, 2015


Reid to Retire
After nearly 30 years in the Senate, Democratic Minority Leader Harry Reid announced today that he will not be seeking re-election.

Although recently suffering from an accident, Reid says that health issues are not the reason for his retirement. He also claims that it is not because of dissatisfaction with the Senate. He says that he doesn't want to soak up precious Democratic resources, which may indicate that the Democrats were aware of Reid's vulnerability in 2016.

It's not hard to imagine why.

As recently as this week, reports revealed that Reid abused his political power by pressuring the Department of Homeland Security "to override normal departmental procedures and rush through 230 EB-5 foreign visa applications, thereby freeing up $115 million the applicants invested in the SLS Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. The report did not, however, reveal the now confirmed fact that the owner of that casino project had hired Reid's son, Rory Reid, to provide legal representation for the project." (Breitbart) A watchdog group is now asking the Department of Justice to investigate the allegations.

Reid has also found himself caught up in election scandals, including the 2006 Abramoff scandal. And recently, "Convicted of three felonies, a close friend and political donor of U.S. Senator Harry Reid is going to jail for funneling more than $130,000 in illegal campaign funds to the Nevada Democrat who happens to be the senate majority leader." (Judicial Watch)

Sadly, the examples could continue, but I think you get the point. Reid represents so much of what people despise about Washington. His low poll numbers may reflect that.
For Reid, It's About Time
Polling shows that Reid enjoyed the lowest approval rating of all House-Senate leaders, including Democrats. As reported by the Washington Examiner: "Pew Research Center tweeted out their numbers showing that Reid's favorable rating was just 20 percent, with an unfavorable rating of 41 percent. That put him at the bottom of the four, with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's the highest at 27 percent favorable followed by House Speaker John Boehner at 24 percent favorable and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at 21 percent."

The GOP responded to his announcement with the following statement: "On the verge of losing his own election and after losing the majority, Senator Harry Reid has decided to hang up his rusty spurs. Not only does Reid instantly become irrelevant and a lame duck, his retirement signals that there is no hope for the Democrats to regain control of the Senate. With the exception of Reid, every elected statewide official in Nevada is Republican and this race is the top pickup opportunity for the GOP."

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