Monday, March 30, 2015


Iran Deadline Imminent
A framework for a nuclear deal with Iran is supposed to be complete by tomorrow, March 31st. While last-minute disagreements remain, no deal is worth the inevitable price of an Iran with nuclear weapons.

John Kerry, along with the other leaders of the P5+1 coalition remain in Switzerland to hash out the deal.

Among the main sticking points remains the lifting of burdensome UN security council sanctions on Iran, as well as the UN resolutions declaring Iran's nuclear program to be illegitimate. Iran wants the sanctions lifted virtually immediately, but the international coalition wants the sanctions to be eased out over time, if Iran can prove that it has no intention of pursuing nuclear weapons.

Ayatollah Khamenei made his demands pretty clear over the weekend: "Sanctions must be lifted in one go, not as a result of future Iranian actions."

Another disagreement remains over the level of research and development of new centrifuges that would be allowed in the sunset years of the deal. Basically after ten years, the P5+1 nations, including America, want to extend restrictions another five years in order to prolong Iran's breakout time. Iran disagrees.

The negotiators have already apparently given in to Iran's demands that its no-longer-secret underground enrichment centrifuges would be allowed to continue to spin, though not at levels capable of enriching uranium.

Another sticking point that has emerged is over Iran's willingness to export stocks of its already enriched uranium. Funnily enough, the stockpiles would likely be shipped ... to Russia.

All of the nuances aside, what remains clear is this: Sanctions on Iran will be lifted and it will be on a path towards achieving a nuclear weapons. It is not a matter of "if," it is only a matter of "when."
What does the United States have to gain?
According to a European source quoted in the Washington Free Beacon, "[The Iranians] think the Americans want a deal more than they do. By all appearances, they're right." In fact an Iranian journalist, covering the negotiations who defected once in Switzerland, claims, "The U.S. negotiating team are mainly there to speak on Iran's behalf with other members of the 5+1 countries and convince them of a deal."

It is unbelievable to think that the United States would be complicit in a deal such as this.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said over the weekend that the framework of the deal that is shaping up appears to be worse than his country had feared: "This deal, as it appears to be emerging, bears out all of our fears, and even more than that." He called the deal "dangerous for all of humanity."

He's absolutely right. Not only is Israel's very existence in jeopardy, but the world will be less safe because of this deal. Thank you Obama, our modern day Neville Chamberlain.

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