Tuesday, March 31, 2015


March 31st Deadline
The deadline has arrived to strike a framework agreement with Iran. The United States and the P5+1 nations engaged in these negotiations are possibly setting the stage for WWIII.

By March 31st, Iran and the P5+1 nations were supposed to come to a framework agreement, though that has apparently been loosened to a mere “understanding.” In other words, they will now work to solidify a final deal by the end of June.

But there are some key issues that remain unresolved. According to the AP, “And after intense negotiations, obstacles remained on uranium enrichment, where stockpiles of enriched uranium should be stored, limits on Iran's nuclear research and development and the timing and scope of sanctions relief among other issues.”

Those are some pretty big issues to remain unresolved! Needless to say, skeptics of the deal have reason to believe that Iran is not serious about its intentions and is taking the US and its negotiating partners for a ride. Though members of Congress agreed to wait until the end of March to push for new sanctions, we will have to see if they feel this “understanding” is enough or if they will insist on moving forward with the sanctions.

How will Netanyahu respond to the progress in these negotiations? Obama's obsession in reaching a deal has virtually destroyed our relationship with Israel.

Obama's quest to fulfill his presidential legacy has put the world in great peril. He could be, quite literally, setting the stage for WWIII. If this deal is signed, and it will likely lead to Iran eventually having a nuclear weapon, it will be among the worst and potentially most catastrophic deals in world history.
Clinton Problems Compound
Another bad week is shaping up for Hillary Clinton.

Yesterday I told you about the fact that Hillary's infamous server was “wiped clean” of the emails she unilaterally deemed to be personal. This conveniently happened in 2014 after the Congress began investigating her and Benghazi. Some experts believe that it will be possible to retrieve the emails, but the fact that this action occurred could potentially be criminal.

Now it has been revealed that Clinton used an iPad in addition to her infamous BlackBerry while she was secretary of state. If you will recall, Hillary's excuse as to why she used a personal email address was because she didn't want to use two devices. Well now that explanation is moot with the revelation that she sent personal and work emails from the iPad.

And then finally, as we wind down negotiations with Iran over their nuclear capabilities, it has been revealed that the Clinton Foundation took a large sum of money from an anti-American group, described as a front for the government of Iran with ties to Iranian mullahs. The Alavi Foundation is “totally controlled by the government of Iran” and “funds a variety of anti-American causes,” according to NYPD intelligence chief David Cohen.

Add this news to the string of other countries that the Clintons have taken money from – countries like Saudi Arabia – with terrible records when it comes to women's rights. It's hard to imagine how the person who wants to be the first woman president and self-proclaimed champion of women's rights can explain why it's OK to take this money and turn a blind eye to the treatment of women by these countries.

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