Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Uh oh...
How do you know that Hillary Clinton is in trouble?

Hillary Clinton is already complaining about the mean-spirited nature of politics. She's tired of it.

Aren't we all? But she's one to talk!

The fact that Clinton, of all people, is complaining about this just goes to show that she feels she is on the defensive and is vulnerable.

Can you blame her?

- She had a disastrous roll-out of her presidential campaign. Her painstaking attempts to connect with real people have backfired into a tortured charade that lacks authenticity. You know it's bad when one of Hillary's top staffers admits that the highpoint of her presidential rollout was “the Aaron Hernandez verdict.” Seriously! It took the spotlight off of her otherwise terrible kickoff.

- Hillary's advisors have said that “Clinton Cash” is “a fire that we need to put out.” This is the upcoming book by Peter Schweizer that investigates donations to the Clinton Foundation.

- She's losing big-time supporters; they are defecting to other potential Democratic candidates. Former Miami mayor Manny Diaz, for example, was one of Hillary's first supporters in 2008. He will be hosting an event for former Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley.

- Then there is the looming issue of Benghazi. According to Rep. Trey Gowdy, who is the head of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, their report on Hillary's response to the terrorist attack will be released just months before the 2016 presidential election.

The entire Clinton campaign can be summed up in what just happened in Hillary's return from New Hampshire. Her attempts to connect with real people, ride in a van, eat at Chipotle (and not leave a tip), and rail against the rich are failures when she then hops on a first class flight to return to DC.

What was the point of all of it? The point is that she can't hide who she really is, which is a rich member of the powerful political elite. If “the system” is unfairly rigged,as she suggests, it is in favor of people like the Clintons. It's impossible and quite frankly looks foolish for her to try and pretend otherwise just to get votes.
Earth Day
President Obama is flying on Air Force One to the Everglades in order to call attention to climate change. Does anyone else see the irony in this?

First it was “global warming.” But then the Earth stopped warming, so liberals changed their cause to “climate change.”

What better way to make people aware of the dangers of climate change than to burn more than 9,000 of fuel flying to Florida to talk about the evils of climate change?

It's just dumb.

Polling shows that few Americans (37%) feel that climate change should be a long-term priority for the president and Congress. Compare that to 81% of Americans who believe protecting American jobs should be their top priority.

Ironically, climate change policies generally lead to job losses.

Being good stewards of the Earth is not a bad thing. But the way liberals want to go about it is to impose laws and restrictions that make little difference to the overall environment.

As Mark Steyn rightly points out, in the long-run this issue isn't so much about the environment as it is about control over people and money (the redistribution of wealth).

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