Friday, May 29, 2015


More Clinton Corruption
The stories of corruption related to the Clinton's continue to pile up. Will they ultimately have an effect on Hillary's chances in 2016?

A judge ordered that Hillary Clinton's emails during her time as Secretary of State must be released in small batches over time. Remember that the State Department had initially planned to release all of her emails in bulk early next year.

Thus, the emails that have already been released reveal interesting information related to Libya. In particular, it looks as though Clinton's State Department may have been engaged in an off-the-books operation to send arms into Syria via Libya. This began sometime in 2011, before the terrorist attack in Benghazi. The operation was conducted by private security contractors because it otherwise would have been prohibited by the U.S. government and the U.N.

This leads to more revelations related to Hillary's long-time adviser Sidney Blumenthal. Remember that last week it was revealed that Blumenthal was working to secure business contracts in Libya as the government collapsed, using his connections with Clinton in the State Department.

Blumenthal was banned from working in the Obama administration and therefore could not act as an official advisor to Clinton in the State Department. So where did Blumenthal find his landing pad? At the Clinton Foundation, of course!
What Did Blumenthal Have To Gain?
According to Politico , Blumenthal began earning a salary of $10,000 a month as a full-time employee of the Clinton Foundation.  During this time, he was providing unsolicited advise to Hillary Clinton in the State Department about Libya.  In 2013, Blumenthal transitioned to a consulting role for the foundation but was still collecting a similar paycheck.

Blumenthal has been subpoenaed to appear before the House Select Committee on Benghazi. In what way did the Clinton Foundation's influence have an affect on State Department policies or Clinton's decisions as Secretary of State?

Blumenthal is certainly a prime example of how the two crossed paths.  A Washington Examiner analysis also finds that this certainly isn't the only example: Donations by Saudi Arabia, Norway, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Jamaica are just some of the countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation and then suddenly saw a boost in official U.S. State Department activity.

Needless to say, more revelations related to Clinton's time at the State Department are certain in the months ahead.  Will they take a toll on her poll numbers? The latest Quinnipiac polling shows that there are only two GOP contenders who currently give Clinton a run for her money: Marco Rubio and Rand Paul.

Despite the corruption and the incestuous nature of the Clinton's politics, charity and personal gain, many Americans are still willing to vote for her.  But a lot can change between now and the Democratic nomination next year.

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