Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Why Hillary?
Can you answer the following question: "What did Hillary Clinton accomplish that you consider significant as Secretary of State?"  If you can't answer the question, you aren't alone.

A focus group of Iowa Democrats was conducted by MSNBC where participants were asked to answer the question, "What did she accomplish that you consider significant as Secretary of State?"

Their attempts to answer the question became about one minute of virtual radio silence.  Not one person could come up with an answer.

Howard Dean later went on MSNBC to claim that this isn't just exclusive to Hillary.

Is that really a proper excuse?  

Hillary has been in the spotlight for quite some time and particularly during her time as Secretary of State.  The painful truth that Democrats don't want to admit is that she didn't really accomplish anything of meaning while Secretary of State.  

Her Russian reset failed; Her pivot to Asia hasn't panned out;  Her Libya policies failed.

She supported pulling troops out of Iraq, leaving a vacuum for ISIS to emerge. And then add to these failures the numerous scandals that are plaguing her past and her present.  
Can Hillary Win?
There is a growing sense among Democrats that Hillary may be unelectable.  But unfortunately for them, they've put all of their eggs in one basket.  They are realizing that Hillary is their only real option, and therefore they must defend her at all costs.  
Democrats will be forced to do defend her because she is their only hope.  Bloomberg conducted another focus group of Iowa Democrats.  They determined the following: "Despite her perceived flaws, the group's participants indicated that they believed Clinton represents the Democrats' only hope of holding on to the White House." While Democrats may still be willing to vote for her, despite her less-than-desirable qualities, Hillary still needs to convince America voters in the middle of the political spectrum to vote for her as well.  

As John Podhoretz says in the New York Post , Hillary has to overcome the "ick" factor with these voters: "Hillary is beginning her trek to November 2016 with a built-in 'ick factor' regarding her essential truthfulness and the sense that she spends her life dancing around and about ethical lines ... What's far from clear is how Hillary can make herself even remotely attractive from here on in to anyone who isn't already in her camp."

Can she do it?

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