Tuesday, June 2, 2015


U.S. Army Eating Its Own
Hannity.com has highlighted a number of soldiers who have been unjustly targeted by the U.S. Army…and now there is a new name to add to the roster: Jason Amerine.
According to Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA), the United States Army is conducting a retaliatory criminal investigation against retiring Lt. Colonel Jason Amerine for having the audacity to be a whistleblower and work with the Congressman on ways to improve U.S. hostage recovery efforts.
Hunter’s Chief of Staff, Joe Kasper, told the Washington Times, “"It's our belief that the Army investigation into Amerine is occurring strictly due to his association to Rep. Hunter…In fact, Rep. Hunter has met with representatives of the federal agencies involved, and he's acquired a deep understanding of where and how the complaint against Amerine originated and the Army's decision to proceed." Continue reading
Clinton Underwater
Uh oh, things aren't looking so good for Hillary Clinton. Her favorability numbers are tanking fast ahead of her official presidential kickoff scheduled for June 13th.

A new CNN poll shows that more people have an unfavorable view of Hillary than they have in decades. This is why:

“A growing number of people say she is not honest and trustworthy (57%, up from 49% in March), less than half feel she cares about people like them (47%, down from 53% last July) and more now feel she does not inspire confidence (50%, up from 42% last March).”

Another poll conducted ABC News/Washington Post confirms a similar trend for Clinton. Her personal favorability numbers are underwater, and her polling on honesty and trustworthiness have declined dramatically.

Unfortunately for the Democrats, she is still the front-runner by a wide margin. That should scare them that their top candidate is tanking fast.

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