Friday, August 7, 2015


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter Trump on 3rd Party Pledge: Why Should I Give Up Leverage? Sean spoke with Donald Trump after last night's first GOP presidential debate and asked the frontrunner why he declined to support the eventual GOP nominee. Trump explained that he refused to take the pledge to not run as a third-party candidate because he didn't want to give up his leverage with the Republican Party. "If they don't treat me well, Sean, why should I make that pledge?" Trump asked. "At this moment, it's great leverage, and I might as well use it." "I just want to be treated well and treated with respect." Trump also took issue with the Fox News moderators. "These people (Fox News moderators) were not so nice to me, as far as I'm concerned," he said. The Republican frontrunner then took a jab at moderator Megyn Kelly. "[T]he question from Megyn. It was not a nice question to start off with," he said. To watch Sean's entire post-debate interview with Donald Trump please click here. Planned Parenthood Media Bias Five different graphic and shocking videos have been released showing that Planned Parenthood was involved in the trafficking of fetal body parts, but that is not what the television networks are spending their time talking about. Any idea what's taking up more airtime? It's the death of Cecil the lion. According to the latest analysis by the Media Research Center, in the last three weeks, ABC, NBC, and CBS spent just 20 minutes covering the Planned Parenthood scandal but more than an hour and a half talking about the killing of an African lion. Our mainstream media is more concerned about the death of one lion than the killing and exploitation of unborn babies. It's simply unbelievable.

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