Wednesday, March 17, 2021



Biden Tells Migrants: 'Don't Come'
(Getty Images)
President Joe Biden urged migrants not to come to the United States on Tuesday, as criticism mounted over a surge in people arriving at the southern border with Mexico including thousands of unaccompanied children. "Yes I can say quite clearly don't come over ... Don't leave your town or city or community," he said in an interview. [Full Story]
Trump Praises Wash Post's 'Courage' on Retraction
In rare praise for the Democrat-friendly media - at least one paper - former President Donald Trump hailed the "courage" of The Washington Post for issuing a retraction of its erroneous claim he pressured Georgia election officials to "find votes" from the November...... [Full Story] |
Urinate Out Fat by Doing This Before Bed
8 Dead in Georgia Massage Parlor Shootings; Man Captured
Shootings at two massage parlors in Atlanta and one in the suburbs [Full Story]
Democrats' Sweeping Police Reform Bill Poses Blow to Officer Recruitment
A sweeping police reform bill passed by House Democrats along party [Full Story] |
Save $50 Off Emergency Food Before the Next Disaster Strikes
GOP Voters Back Tough Immigration Rules
Republican voters in the United States are increasingly hostile [Full Story]
Minneapolis' Lawsuit Settlement in George Floyd Death May Cause Cop's Trial to Be Moved
The judge overseeing the trial of a former Minneapolis police offer [Full Story]
What Eggs Do to Senior Brains
Democrats See Filibuster as Key to Radical 'Voting Rights' Bill
Ardent liberal Democrats are pressing hard to end the U.S. Senate [Full Story]
NBA Star Lebron James Set to Become Part Owner of Red Sox
NBA star Lebron James is set to become part-owner of the Red Sox [Full Story]
GOP Attorneys General Question Stimulus Barring Tax Cuts
Republican attorneys general from 21 states are questioning a [Full Story]
Biden Wants Corporate Tax Hike, Help for Families Making $110K, Aide Says
President Joe Biden's tax plan will feature higher levies on [Full Story]
How to ‘Opt-Out’ of Biden's Gun Control
Ted Cruz to Newsmax TV: Not Surprising Iran Tried to Help Biden
It should come as no surprise that Iran attempted to influence the [Full Story]
Wisconsin Senate Approves Limbaugh Resolution, Dems Object
Republicans pushed a resolution honoring the late conservative radio [Full Story]
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Scientists Propose Building Doomsday Vault on Moon
Preparing for a doomsday scenario that could destroy the Earth, [Full Story]
Rebekah Mercer-Backed Parler Casts Its Reboot as Fight for Free Speech
Conservative donor Rebekah Mercer has been writing checks to finance [Full Story]
Pete King to Newsmax TV: Biden Deflecting on Illegal Immigrant Crisis
Americans will not be seeing President Joe Biden at the southern [Full Story] |
Gallup Poll: More Americans See China as Main US Enemy After COVID
Nearly half of Americans now believe China is the United States' [Full Story]
White House Won't Sack Andrew Cuomo From COVID Call Role
Scandal-plagued New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will continue leading [Full Story] |
Marjorie Taylor Greene Slams Guam National Guard Visit as 'Political Theater'
National Guard leaders maintain their outfit is a "non-partisan [Full Story]
Donald Trump Says '24 Run Hinges on GOP Winning in '22
Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday his decision to make [Full Story] |
Schools Weigh Whether to Seat Students Closer Together
New evidence that it may be safe for schools to seat students 3 feet [Full Story]
Solar Power Saw Record Year in 2020
U.S. solar generating capacity saw record growth in 2020 even though [Full Story]
Trump Slams Media After Wash Post Admits Mistake
Former President Donald Trump lashed out at the media after The [Full Story]
Russia Threatens to Block Twitter
Russian authorities said Tuesday they would block Twitter in a month [Full Story]
California's Newsom:  I Want Black Woman to Replace Sen. Feinstein
California Gov, Gavin Newsom is pledging to nominate a Black woman to [Full Story]
DHS Chief Mayorkas Defends Handling of Child Migrant Surge at Border
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas defended the U.S. [Full Story]
Dr. Fauci: 'Inconvenient Truths' Came Into Play With COVID Response
Part of dealing with difficult situations, including with the [Full Story] |
Michelle Obama: Meghan Markle Interview Is Heartbreaking
Michelle Obama said Meghan's recollections about a remark made by one [Full Story]
McConnell Mocks Biden for Taking Credit for Vaccines
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., mocked President Joe [Full Story]
Retail Sales Declined in February as Weather Impeded Demand
U.S. retail sales declined in February, when inclement winter weather settled over large swaths of the country, representing a temporary setback in demand that's poised to accelerate in coming months.The 3% decrease in total retail receipts followed an upwardly revised 7.6%... [Full Story]
COVID-19 Antibody Treatments Could Prevent Severe Disease
Two recent clinical trials found that taking antibody treatments can reduce the severity and prevent deaths in people with mild to moderate COVID-19.According to Nature, an antibody developed by Vir Biotechnology... [Full Story]

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