Wednesday, September 16, 2015


GOP Debate: Round Two
Tonight marks the second GOP Presidential Debate and it is arguably one of the most important debates for any candidate. As we saw with the first debate, a good performance can kickstart a struggling campaign. Both Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina saw significant increases in their poll numbers; Fiorina going so far as to qualify for tonight's main debate.

So, what do Republican voters want to see tonight? Republicans are desperate to hear more details about how their nominee will address key issues. Conservatives are looking to hear about strong policies against funding Planned Parenthood and ObamaCare. They're anxious to hear how the candidates would handle ISIS, Syria and Russia. Will taxes increase? This debate marks the beginning of the "serious season" where candidates need to begin to add more substance and less flash.
New Undercover Planned Parenthood Video Released
The Center for Medical Progress has released its 10th undercover video which features top-level Planned Parenthood executives discussing the financial benefits of harvesting aborted baby organs.

One Planned Parenthood official was caught on camera saying that colleagues have generated "a fair amount of income" from the harvesting of fetal tissue.

While the Planned Parenthood officials may not display any remorse for their illegal practices, they did express concern over the PR nightmare their organ harvesting could create, with one official saying "The headlines would be a disaster...." Another said, "This could destroy your company and us if we don't time those conversations correctly."

Isn't nice to know that after the release of 10 damning videos, Planned Parenthood is STILL receiving half a billion in taxpayer dollars a year?

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