Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Missed Last Night's Debate? Here Are The Highlights In One Handy Clip.
If you're like the vast majority of Americans, chances are you didn't catch Tuesday night's Democratic primary debate on CNN. If you did, there's a good chance you fell asleep within the first few minutes.

Don't worry. We have you covered.
WATCH: One clip that highlights last night's debate

"We've got Chaffee, we've got Webb, we've got O'Malley. Dumb, dumber, dumbest," Sean said, describing field of candidates at the outset of Tuesday's Hannity. "And then you've got the 73 year old angry curmudgeon socialist."

When it came to choosing last night's big winner, the panel was unanimous.

"Obviously Hillary," proclaimed radio talk show host Tammy Bruce. "But she was in a room with a bag of rocks so you have to win."

"I think that Tammy is exactly right, it was a false positive for Hillary Clinton," agreed Hugh Hewett. "It does not matter that she can beat Martin O'Malley, who I had no idea was that dull."

"I don't see anyone beating Hillary," added Sean, "and if I'm Joe Biden I'm jumping in tonight."
Your Complete Guide To Hillary Clinton's Flip-Flops Shortly before Tuesday night’s debate, the GOP released a 9-page memo outlining Hillary Clinton’s myriad of flip-flops on issues ranging from gay marriage to her most recent reversal on the issue of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
“Someone should send this to Bernie Sanders to make sure he has it,” Sean recommended on Tuesday’s radio show. If his performance at the Democratic primary debate is any indication, it doesn’t look like Sanders ever got the memo.
Here are some of the highlights:
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) FLIP: As Secretary Of State, Clinton Took "A Leading Part In Drafting The Trans-Pacific Partnership." "She's pressed the case for U.S. business in Cambodia, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, and other countries in China's shadow. She's also taken a leading part in drafting the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free trade pact that would give U.S. companies a leg up on their Chinese competitors." (Elizabeth Dwoskin and Indira Laksmanan, "How Hillary Clinton Created A U.S. Business-Promotion Machine," Bloomberg, 1/10/13)
Clinton Had Said The Trans-Pacific Partnership "Sets The Gold Standard In Trade Agreements." "[We] need to keep upping our game both bilaterally and with partners across the region through agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership or TPP. Australia is a critical partner. This TPP sets the gold standard in trade agreements to open free, transparent, fair trade, the kind of environment that has the rule of law and a level playing field. And when negotiated, this agreement will cover 40 percent of the world's total trade and build in strong protections for workers and the environment." (Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton, Remarks at Techport Australia , 11/15/12) FLOP: Earlier This Month, Clinton Publicly Announced Her Opposition To The TPP. "After months of delicately avoiding expressing an opinion on the controversial trade deal, Mrs. Clinton said the agreement in its current form did not meet her high bar for protecting American workers, the environment and advancing national security… But while Mrs. Clinton's opposition to the trade pact could do much to appease Democratic voters and labor unions that have seized on the deal as a symbol for the perils of globalization, her decision to repudiate a major legislative goal of Mr. Obama's - one she initially supported - carries significant political risks." (Amy Chozick, "Hillary Clinton Opposes Obama's Trade-Pacific Trade Deal," The New York Times , 10/7/15)
Continue reading all of Hillary's Flip Flops here

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