Friday, October 16, 2015


You Might Be Surprised By What Trump Has To Say About Dr. Ben Carson
Donald Trump has a reputation of being something of a bulldog when it comes to his opponents. At a campaign rally on Wednesday night, for example, Trump hit Bernie Sanders, calling the Vermont Senator a "socialist-slash-communist" and a "maniac".

But perhaps Mr. Trump isn't quite as ferocious as his reputation would suggest.

A recent Fox News poll has Dr. Ben Carson neck and neck with the billionaire real estate mogul amongst likely Republican primary voters, with Trump edging out Carson 24%-23%.

When asked for his thoughts on Dr. Carson, Trump had nothing but praise for the retired neurosurgeon. "He's been very nice to me, very respectful," Trump said. "Every once in a while I want him to say something bad so I can go after him but he's been so nice I can't do that."

"I don't know if that's an invitation to attack Donald Trump or maybe Donald Trump is hoping you attack him. How do you take that," Sean asked Dr. Carson on Thursday's Hannity.

"I take it as quite humorous," Dr. Carson responded. "He's going to be waiting a long time if he's waiting for me to attack him because we have such huge problems in this country right now and I'm really going to be focusing my attention on that."
Kasich Invokes Reagan In Plan To Return 'Power, Money, And Influence' Back To States
Say what you will about John Kasich, the Ohio Governor is no lightweight when it comes to matters of finance and budget. In his six years as chairman of the House Budget Committee, Kasich managed to balanced the federal budget and leave the U.S. with a surplus. As governor of Ohio, he has managed to turn the $8 billion debt he inherited in 2010 into a surplus of $2 billion.

The Governor of Ohio is now laying out his plan to return the United States to a state of economic solvency should he be elected President.

"All these things are a well thought out plan of returning power, money and influence back to the states, growing the economy, getting to balance and beginning to deal with the national debt," Kasich said on Thursday's Hannity.

Here are the highlights from Governor Kasich's plan as he explained it to Sean...(continue reading)

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