Friday, October 9, 2015


The List Of The Laws Hillary Has Potentially Violated
As new details about Hillary Clinton's email servers trickles out, the number of potential criminal violations she has committed continues to pile up.

Former Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani now estimates that Clinton has run afoul of 13-15 federal statutes. The list potentially includes the improper transmission and handling of confidential information, mail fraud statutes, wire fraud statutes, and obstruction of justice.

"The case is getting so strong now that it's going to be really hard to have an intellectually honest decision and walk away from it," the former federal prosecutor claimed on Thursday's Hannity adding that, "she has also proven that she is completely grossly negligent in the handling of sensitive information, and we want someone like this for President of the United States?"

As we reported earlier this week, Hillary Clinton is reportedly being advised to seek the services of a criminal defense attorney. With the case against her mounting, she might be wise to heed such advice.

Here's a brief rundown of some of the laws the former Secretary of State has potentially run afoul of...(view the list here)
Sanctuary cities explode to 340
According to new research from the Center for Immigration studies, the number of sanctuary cities in the U.S. has risen to 340 and approximately 9,295 criminal illegal aliens have been released from custody by these cities even though ICE was seeking to deport them.

Even more disturbing, The Washington Examiner notes: "5,947 of the criminal aliens (62 percent) had significant prior criminal histories or other public safety concerns even before the arrest that led to a detainer."

And, "2,320 of released offenders were subsequently arrested within the time period studied for new crimes after they were released by the sanctuaries."

Considering the fact that illegal aliens are responsible for 30 percent of murders in most states, it is time for Congress to take action against these unlawful sanctuary cities.

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