Thursday, October 15, 2020


Daily Brew



Good morning. Got a good one for you today: Zoom, Adam Neumann, and iceberg lettuce. Not in the same story, but still...




- 0.80%



- 0.66%



- 0.58%



+ 0.70%



- 0.60 bps



+ 2.16%

*As of market close

  • Stimulus: Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said finalizing a stimulus package ahead of the election “would be difficult,” though he and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are still playing phone tag.

Francis Scialabba

Like your dorm room when your roommate’s high school friends are in town, Zoom has been tasked with hosting way more than it bargained for. During the pandemic, everything from weddings to concerts made the transition from IRL to Zoom, so yesterday the company doubled down on its newfound identity.  

Tickets, please 

Zoom is getting into online ticketed events with a new platform called OnZoom. Event hosts will have a wider range of tools available and, most importantly, they’ll be able to charge for events. Consumers can use OnZoom to browse classes, concerts, and workshops to attend.

  • It’s got some competition: Live Nation, EventBrite, and other platforms that make money by taking a cut of ticket sales have also invested heavily in virtual events in the past few months. Zoom is initially holding off on monetizing in a similar manner, but did say it would take a portion of event sales down the road.

OnZoom will also be competing with Airbnb's “experiences.” Since 2016, the house-sharing giant has offered services that match visitors with activities, like tours or cooking classes, while traveling. But after those offerings shifted online early in the pandemic, most of them to Zoom, consumers might decide to skip Airbnb altogether in favor of OnZoom if the platform’s curation is up to snuff.

But Zoom can play nice with others, too

Yesterday, it also announced plans to allow third-party apps to run on its platform. Zoom has certainly scratched an itch for many businesses adapting to the new normal, but it thinks more hands = better scratching. 

  • Enter “Zapps,” app offerings from the likes of Salesforce and Slack that can integrate directly into Zoom’s software. Zoom wants these Zapps to facilitate the sharing of ideas and generally enhance the core video experience that propelled its meteoric rise. 

Bottom line: Zoom has entered attack mode, working to strengthen its grip on the massive audience it was gifted by the pandemic. 


Charles McQuillan/Getty Images

This week, Europe’s daily rolling average of Covid-19 infections reached 78,000, surpassing the U.S. To tamp down the spike, governments are implementing new curbs on everyday life. 

French president Emmanuel Macron declared a state of emergency and instituted a curfew (9pm to 6am) for the country’s biggest cities—affecting nearly a third of the population. Economists say prolonged restrictions could shove the country back into the recession it experienced in the spring. 

Northern Ireland is closing pubs and restaurants for all but takeout, plus schools and many other businesses. 

The UK closed bars and pubs in its most heavily affected areas. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is facing attacks for what critics call uncertainty and confusion caused by the government’s three-tiered lockdown system. 

The Netherlands will partially lock down for at least four weeks. 

Cristiano Ronaldo, the soccer megastar, tested positive.

Bottom line: European leaders are desperately trying to avoid full lockdowns like they implemented in the spring, but a second wave is backing them into a corner. 


Kent Gidley/Collegiate Images/Getty Images

Nick Saban, head coach of the No. 2 ranked Alabama football team, has tested positive for Covid-19, the school announced yesterday. He's self-isolating at home while offensive coordinator Steve Sarkisian takes the reins ahead of the team's matchup with No. 3 Georgia on Saturday. 

The news comes while another SEC school, Florida, is dealing with its own outbreak. After 19 Gators tested positive, it suspended football activities and postponed its game with LSU.

Bottom line: Big-name schools like Alabama and Florida were desperate to start their seasons and capture some of the revenue generated by their football programs. They'll hope this is a blip, not a trend. 



An Inside Look at the Brew’s Slack


The following is a transcript of a conversation in #brewcrew, the Slack channel Morning Brew uses to discuss IMPORTANT company-wide stuff.

Henry, Copywriter: This Slack channel makes it so easy to communicate with the whole team.

Blake, Creative Director: Can you imagine if we all had to email?! Slack channels are so much faster, better organized, and secure!

Sasha, Brand Partner: That’s what I was gonna say, Slack is basically our company HQ, especially now that I’m in Rancho Cucamonga and Sydney's visiting her Polish grandma.

Sydney, yet another Copywriter: She’s called a Babcia.

Alessandra, Integrated Marketing: Well tell your grandma that Slack lets you access info from thousands of apps, files, and make calls all within THIS OR ANY OTHER CHANNEL!

Neal, Managing Editor: Are u guys trying to turn our Slack into an ad?

Henry, Copywriter: What? No, we’re just saying, Slack is where work happens.

Neal, Managing Editor: This is def an ad.

Henry, Copywriter: If this was an ad, then at the end, wouldn’t I tell you to click here to learn more about how Slack is the new digital headquarters???


Twitter, Facebook Draw Heat for Limiting Biden Story

Yesterday, Facebook and Twitter decided to limit the distribution of a New York Post story about Joe Biden out of concern that it might be misinformation, sparking outcry from conservative lawmakers and raising questions around their content moderation policies. 

  • The Post's story alleges then-Vice President Biden’s son Hunter Biden attempted to make introductions between his father and an exec at a Ukrainian company. 
  • The Post claims it obtained “smoking gun” emails, but the platforms had questions around the authenticity of the story. 

The two companies made the same decision, but for different reasons. Twitter cited its policy against distributing hacked material, while Facebook said the story is “eligible to be fact checked” by third-party partners and will be curtailed until it’s been vetted. 

Zoom out: Facebook has long refused to be an “arbiter of truth”—but it seems to be arbiting something here. President Trump attacked both companies in a tweet last night, calling their actions "so terrible." 

Later in the evening, Twitter explained its reasoning a bit more, saying it was the images in the article that violated its hacked material rules. CEO Jack Dorsey said the company's decision to block URL sharing without context was "unacceptable."  



He's Back

Adam Neumann

Kelly Sullivan/Getty Images

Former WeWork CEO Adam Neumann and his luscious locks have returned to the biz world. Real estate startup Alfred announced yesterday that Neumann’s family investment office led its most recent $42 million round. 

  • Alfred offers services to apartment buildings, such as dog walking and rent processing. It’s operating in over 100,000 apartments and has almost $100 million in the bank.

Zoom out: WeWork’s implosion was the business news story of 2019. A little over a year ago, the startup filed to go public at a jaw-dropping $47 billion valuation...but in doing so, opened its books to reveal fishy governance and fishier accounting. The IPO was scrapped, as was Neumann, and the company is now valued at $2.9 billion. 

Speaking of...WeWork’s parent company, The We Company, said yesterday it will return to the “WeWork” name, a symbolic nod to its office-rental roots. Like much of commercial real estate, WeWork was crushed during the pandemic, with huge vacancies leading to mass layoffs. It’s still bleeding cash, but CEO Sandeep Mathrani said it will turn a profit by the end of next year.



  • Bank earnings roundup: Goldman Sachs’s trading revenue boomed, Bank of America fell short, and Wells Fargo is still struggling to cut costs.  
  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren wrote a letter to Disney execs, blasting them for restoring executive pay while laying off tens of thousands in the theme parks division.
  • Robinhood is considering making its trading data public again, per Bloomberg.
  • The Vatican’s financial scandal continued to grow with the arrest of a woman who said she was given money by a cardinal to conduct secret missions in Africa.
  • Tesla is cutting its Model S price to $69,420. 


7 signs of a lagging metabolism. The wellness experts at Sakara have put together

Trump’s Momentum Is Back

Kurt Schlichter

Destroying the Institutions We Inherited

Victor Davis Hanson

The Ungrateful Generation

Derek Hunter

Never-Before-Published Letter Reveals Concentration Camp Churches — Nazis ‘Received God’ After Atrocities

Marina Medvin

Ask Ann Anything! ACB Edition

Ann Coulter

Trump Times MAGA-Zine 2020 - It's like a Trump Rally in print!

Sponsored by: 3DTrumpVision

Fatherless Households: A National Crisis

Larry Elder

They Call It a Hearing, But They Don't Listen

Terry Jeffrey

Fear and Loathing in the Democratic Party

Laura Hollis

You Are Free to Form Your Own Country, Elsewhere

Jeff Davidson

Why Hasn't Joe Biden Said No to Democratic Threats to Pack the Supreme Court?

John Kass

Judge Barrett Is An Intelligent, Independent Woman and It’s Driving Democrats Crazy

Jake Hoffman

Huawei and the CCP's War for Information Dominance

Austin Bay

My Prediction Delayed

Emmett Tyrrell

Better Off

Jackie Gingrich Cushman

The Case for Maintaining 40 Years of Rail Industry Success

Timothy Lee

The Unmentioned Issue in this Campaign

Cal Thomas

President Trump's Two Types of Supporters

Armstrong Williams

What is The Antidote to ‘Wokeness’?

Duggan Flanakin

'Irish Catholics From Scranton' and the Toll of Abortion

Chuck Donovan

Gov. Evers: Saying Abortionists 'Execute Babies' Is 'Blasphemy'
Trump blasts Schiff as 'political hack'

Pelosi's condescension offers some laughs
Pelosi open to border infrastructure
Economic Policy: Blue States Vs. Red States

Conservative Reporter Questions a Key Piece of the Hunter Biden Email Story. And Twitter Responds.

Beth Baumann

'This Is a Dark Moment': Tucker Obliterates Big Tech's Censorship of the NY Post

Beth Baumann

Jack Dorsey Ratioed for Non-Apology on Election Interference

Bronson Stocking

Liberal Reporter: What Twitter and Facebook Did to Muzzle Biden Story Is 'Creepy and Authoritarian'

Matt Vespa

Power Mad Twitter Suspends WH Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany's Personal Account

Bronson Stocking

Hawley to ACB: Biden-Burisma Corruption Case Might Come Before You on SCOTUS

Bronson Stocking

New Poll on Amy Coney Barrett’s SCOTUS Nomination Is All Bad News For Democrats

Matt Vespa

The Type of Leader We Can Expect Joe Biden to Be

Ellie Bufkin

PA Police Chief Had to Resign Because of His Wife's Political Stance

Beth Baumann

CBP Had Its Second-Largest Meth Bust in the Agency's History

Bronson Stocking

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Gun Control Activist's "Incremental Change" Still Violates 2A Rights | Cam Edwards

Officer Charged After His Weapon Fires, Strikes Bystander | Tom Knighton

2A Leaders Impressed By ACB Testimony | Cam Edwards

Return Of The Black Gun-Rights Movement | Tom Knighton

Giffords Launches New Group Of Anti-Gun Gun Owners | Tom Knighton

October 15
John L. Sullivan

John L. Sullivan

Antarctica: Mount Erebus
Final conference on Antarctic Treaty

Britannica Premium for only $49.99 a year
Paul Allen
2018: American investor and philanthropist Paul Allen, who cofounded Microsoft, died at age 65. [Test your knowledge of tech companies.]
Yang Liwei
2003: China became the third country to launch a crewed spaceflight; Shenzhou 5, which was piloted by Yang Liwei, orbited Earth 14 times during the 21-hour flight. [ Take our famous astronauts and cosmonauts quiz.]
Nobel Prize
1993: South Africans Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk were named the recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize “for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa.” [How much do you know about the Nobel Prize?]
Burkina Faso
1987: A military coup in Burkina Faso overthrew head of state Thomas Sankara, killing him and eight others. [Sort fact from fiction in our quiz about Africa.]
1969: President Cabdirashiid Cali Shermaʾarke (Abdirashid Ali Shermarke) of Somalia was assassinated. [Test your knowledge of African leaders.]
Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton
1966: Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party, the mission of which was to protect African Americans from police brutality; it later developed into a Marxist revolutionary group that, among other things, called for the arming of all African Americans and the release of Blacks from jail. [ Learn the answers to five FAQs about the Black Panther Party.]
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
president of India
Friedrich Nietzsche
German philosopher
Mughal emperor
Michel Foucault
French philosopher and historian
Roman poet
Penny Marshall
American actress and director


Thursday, October 15, 2020


Uncertainty Looming Across America, Many Fear the Worst

Unsteady markets, a wavering political election, anticipated dollar deterioration...many are doing this to take back control.

Full story HERE

The U.S. Postal Service agreed Wednesday to reverse changes that slowed mail service nationwide, settling a lawsuit filed by Montana Gov. Steve Bullock during a pandemic that is expected to force many more people to vote by mail.
Postal Service agrees to reverse service changes that slowed mail service nationwide »
President Donald Trump is trying to shore up support from constituencies that not so long ago he thought he had in the bag: big business and voters in the red state of Iowa
'A little bit concerned': President Trump looks to boost support in red state previously thought in the bag »

The Senate Judiciary Committee is poised to take the first steps toward approving Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett following two long days of Senate testimony in which she stressed that she would be her own judge.
Senate Judiciary to consider Barrett ahead of vote next week »

Here are how swing states have voted and what it means for the upcoming election.
Swing states: Key areas to watch in the 2020 presidential election »


16 WAPT News

Oct 15, 2020

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President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden will participate in separate and dueling town halls Thursday evening. The town halls were set up after Trump withdrew from the originally scheduled second presidential debate when it was changed to a virtual format due to COVID-19 concerns and the president’s diagnosis. Following Trump backing out of the debate, it was announced Biden would do a town hall. Trump has since set up a similar event. Both are scheduled for 8 p.m. The final presidential debate between the candidates is currently scheduled for Oct. 22.

On Capitol Hill, the contentious debate surrounding the nomination of a new Supreme Court justice resumes. Judge Amy Coney Barrett has answered questions for two days from the Senate Judiciary Committee. Today, testimony will be heard from individuals in favor and against Barrett’s nomination. The Republican-led committee is expected to approve her nomination next week.

On the campaign trail:

  • Donald Trump will be in North Carolina for a rally.
  • Mike Pence will be in Florida for an event.

Resources for you:

Fierce Winds Fan Rockies Wildfires, New Evacuations Ordered

Twitter Locks WH Press Secretary McEnany’s Account

Biden sex-assault accuser Tara Reade releasing memoir right before election

Antifa Is Real, It’s Violent, And You Need To Plan For It…

Amy Coney Barrett dismisses gay marriage overturn, ‘female Scalia’ label
Read More

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