Wednesday, November 4, 2015


The Fiery Rand Paul Speech That's Been Viewed Over 21 Million Times
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has earned a reputation as an economic watchdog and a viral video from his recent filibuster of the budget deal perfectly illustrates why that reputation is well deserved.
In the short clip, which has been viewed by over 21 millions of Americans, Senator Paul issues a challenge to his fellow senators. "I defy you to drive outside the beltway, stop at a gas station, stop at a supermarket, and ask the first person 'do you think we should increase the debt and increase spending at the same time?'"
WATCH: The video of Rand Paul that has taken the internet by storm

Senator Paul joined Tuesday's Sean Hannity Show to discuss the video's popularity and impact.

"One of the interesting things is that you wonder if anybody's watching between two and three in the morning," the presidential hopeful said about his late-night filibuster. "My good friend Senator Mike Lee from Utah sent out a two minute clip of this and 21 million people have seen that clip in the last three days."
Mike Rowe's Response To MSNBC Anchor's 'Hard Work' Criticism Is Perfect
Mike Rowe, host of CNN's Somebody's Gotta Do It and Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs, is sounding off on recent comments by MSNBC' Melissa Harris-Perry, where the left-wing host was seemingly offended by a guest's use of the term "hard worker."

During a conversation about Speaker Paul Ryan, the left-wing cable news host launched into a bizarre commentary after the guest used the offending term to describe Ryan. "I want us to be super careful when we use the language 'hard worker,'" Harris-Perry said. "I actually keep an image of folks working in cotton fields on my office wall, because it is a reminder about what hard work really looks like."

Asked for his thoughts on Harris-Perry's offense, Rowe begins by noting, "that there is no longer a limit to what people can be offended by."

Rowe continues...

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