Thursday, December 17, 2015


THIS photo proves Jeb Bush is finished
He says there's still time to turn around his sinking campaign -- but there's one shocking image from this week's debate that Jeb Bush is hoping you don't see. See the one photo that proves it's time for Bush to drop out. Read More

Cruz surging, picks up major evangelical endorsements
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is moving to secure the evangelical vote. He's about to land 50 key endorsements from some major Christian groups -- including one of the most influential conservative leaders in the country. Can this help put Cruz over the top? Read More

Could you piggyback "Canadian Social Security"?
[Sponsored] Without living, working or even visiting Canada... thousands of American seniors have begun piggybacking "Canadian Social Security" and earning $400-4,700 in investment income. Click here to learn more

America today: High schools spend millions to coddle lazy teens
High schools across the country are pushing their start times back so that teens don't have to get up so early. But babying these spoiled millennials is leaving taxpayers on the hook for millions. See how you're paying for them to sleep in. Read More

Obama, Bloomberg plotting to restrict guns
President Barack Obama met with anti-gun advocate Michael Bloomberg yesterday, and is planning to issue an executive order any day now targeting gun ownership. Here's what we think it will include. Read More

Report: Obama official put national security at risk
Some people -- and administrations -- never learn. Another top Obama cabinet official has been caught using a private email server. And the information he had access to could put our national security at risk.
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