Thursday, December 17, 2015


Homeland Security REJECTED Plan To Screen Social Media...In 2011! An internal memo obtained by MSNBC shows that the Department of Homeland Security rejected a plan to screen the social media of applicants for U.S. visas.

The network reports:
Top officials at the Department of Homeland Security considered a specific policy to strengthen security screenings for foreign visa applicants' social media accounts, but the proposal was ultimately rejected, according to an internal department memo obtained by MSNBC.

The federal government considered that policy, according to a former senior official in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), but officials rejected it in 2011.

Considering that San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik was posting pro-jihad messages on her Facebook account prior to her entrance into the United States, the proposal could have led officials to reject her visa application.

According to the memo, Department of Homeland Security personnel are actually restricted from even accessing social media sites, due to concerns that access would reduce productivity. The memo reads...(continue reading)
Chris Matthews Tells Reporter To 'Go To Hell'
Chris Matthews once declared that Barack Obama gave him a "thrill" up his leg.
WATCH: Matthews tells report to "go to hell"

Apparently, the thrill is gone. When Media Research Council reporter Dan Joseph asked Matthews about his famously tingling appendage, the MSNBC host wasn't too amused.

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