Thursday, December 31, 2015


State Dept. breaks judge's deadline on Clinton emails According to a report by Stephen Dinan from The Washington Times, the State Department has broken a judge's order on the number of former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton's emails it was supposed to release Thursday, blaming the holiday season for throwing it off track.
READ: The full article from the Washington Times

The department promised another release of emails next week to make up for its breach, and said even the emails it was releasing Thursday will not be fully processed and won't be able to be sorted by senders or recipients in the department's computer system.

It's the latest embarrassment for the department, which has repeatedly struggled to handle the more than 30,000 emails Mrs. Clinton returned to the government nearly two years after she left office.

The department is under a federal court order to release emails every month since the summer, but broke the order by missing the first deadline under that order. It had caught up, but has now fallen behind again.
2016 Predictions With less than six weeks until the first voters get to cast their primary ballots, the GOP is still seemingly far away from selecting a frontrunner. Nationally, Donald Trump continues to have a double-digit lead over the field but Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are closing. It would seem Dr. Ben Carson's surge is fading and Jeb Bush and Chris Christie can't get above 5% in the polls. Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio are battling each other for endorsements, a major sign of a viable candidacy, and both have raised a sufficient amount of money to carry their campaigns into Super Tuesday.

Ted Cruz is beating Trump in Iowa but Trump remains strong in New Hampshire and South Carolina. As we enter 2016, the race will turn to a three or four-man battle with Trump, Cruz, Rubio and maybe Bush. Trump remains volatile and certainly a political anomaly. It'll be interesting to see if his controversial approach to politics will serve him well or leave him searching for a landing place to support the eventual GOP nominee.

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