Thursday, March 24, 2016


Two New Polls Show Good News For Ted Cruz A pair of new polls are showing good news for presidential hopeful Ted Cruz.

In a new Fox News poll of 388 likely GOP primary voters, frontrunner Donald Trump and Texas Senator Ted Cruz are now in a statistical dead heat nationally. The poll shows Trump and Cruz polling at 41%-38% respectively, a slight edge for the real estate mogul, but within the poll's +/- 5 point margin of error. Governor John Kasich is running in third place with 17%.
VIEW: The Fox News and Emerson College Polling Data

A second poll, this one from Emerson College, is spelling good news for Ted Cruz in the April 5th, winner-take-all Wisconsin primary and in a hypothetical match-up against Hillary Clinton in the general election. Emerson College reports:
Ted Cruz is not only leading Trump 36% to 35% in the upcoming primary, but Cruz is only trailing Hillary Clinton by one point in a hypothetical general election matchup, 46% to 45%. In contrast, Trump is trailing both Clinton and her Democratic rival, Bernie Sanders, by the same 9-point margin of 47% to 38% in a potential general election match-up.

The Emerson College poll also shows Ohio Governor John Kasich rounds out the GOP field with 19% of the vote.
Majority Of Republicans Want GOP To Unite Around Trump A new Monmouth University poll released Wednesday suggests that if the GOP primary goes to a brokered convention, the majority of Republicans want the party to unite around Trump.

54 percent of people polled said the party should back Trump is he fails to capture the number of delegates needed to secure the nomination before the convention. More than a third of the respondents said a different candidate should be nominated if Trump cannot secure 1,237 delegates in the primary, and 7 percent were unsure.

The poll reflects the answers of 817 Republican and Republican-leaning voters who were surveyed over the phone on March 20-23rd.

According to FiveThirtyEight, Trump currently has 754 delegates, trailed by Ted Cruz with 465 and John Kasich with 144.

The next primary will be Wisconsin on April 5th, where 42 delegates are up for grabs.

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