Thursday, April 7, 2016


Hillary Tries To Ride The Subway, Can't Figure Out How To Operate Turnstile The presidential candidates are making their funds in New York in anticipation of the state's April 19th primary. While campaigning in her home state, Hillary Clinton decided to take a ride on the New York City subway. However, Clinton's attempt to show her local bonafides were sabotaged when she had difficulty operating the subway turnstile. In all, it took the former Secretary of State five attempts before the turnstile allowed her to pass.

The embarrassing moment was caught on tape for all of us to see
New Poll Shows Good News For Ted Cruz In California As the GOP primary enters its final phase, the state of California will play a critical role in deciding who will become the party's nominee at the Republican National Convention in July. In total, the Golden State will send 172 delegates to the Ohio convention and a recent Field poll is showing some good news for Senator Ted Cruz.

The poll shows Donald Trump leads Senator Cruz in the Golden State 39 percent to 32 percent among likely Republican voters, with John Kasich is running a distant third.

Although the poll shows that Trump is the frontrunner in the state-wide contest, most of California's 172 delegates are awarded by congressional district rather than to the overall winner. A strong showing by Senator Cruz will allow the Texas Senator to peel off enough delegates to make Trump's ability to reach 1,237 extremely difficult.

The Sacramento Bee explains...

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