Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Keep our investigators on the job uncovering the truth:
Good morning. The chili is already in the slow cooker ahead of Monday’s antitrust hearing featuring the CEOs of the biggest tech names in the land: Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Google.
We want you to be prepared for the business event of the season, so each day we’ll be publishing “explainers” explaining why these companies were summoned to the principal’s office in the first place.
We’re kicking the series off with the kahuna among kahunas: Amazon. You can catch the piece after the news.


- 0.81%
+ 0.17%
+ 0.60%
+ 1.35%
- 0.90 bps
+ 2.33%
*As of market close
  • Energy: Oil prices hit a four-month high, pulling energy stocks up with them. Higher energy prices indicate investors think demand for fuel is on the comeback trail. 
  • COVID-19 update: At the White House, President Trump said the pandemic will "get worse before it gets better" and encouraged Americans to wear masks. 
Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images
Yesterday, the Senate Banking Committee approved President Trump nominee Judy Shelton to the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors. 
  • Shelton got the greenlight by the skin of her teeth—i.e. a party-line 13–12 vote. All 12 of the committee’s Democrats signed a letter to committee chairman Sen. Mike Crapo requesting another hearing.
  • Three of the committee’s Republicans had previously expressed doubts about Shelton. 
FYI: The Board of Governors is a seven-member body that oversees the Federal Reserve system, including emergency lending activities and orchestrating monetary policy. 
Christopher Waller also got the nod to the board, but he’s much less controversial than Shelton. We’ll explain. 

Shelton has held some...unorthodox positions

For a while, she advocated for a return to the gold standard, though more recently she’s backed off that highly unconventional idea. Her views on the Fed’s independence are now causing more sleep loss for legal and economic experts. 
  • The White House and the Fed are traditionally held as far apart as the parking lot and the concert venue. The distance is meant to enable the Fed to make decisions based on long-term economic trends, not short-term political interests. 
  • But Shelton has questioned that separation. And she was an informal adviser to  President Trump’s 2016 campaign, leading some experts to worry she’d serve his goals. Trump also has been aggressively pressuring current Fed Chair Jerome Powell, which adds to their nightmares of a politicized Fed. 
Shelton may rise even higher than the Board. Some think that, if he’s reelected, Trump will nominate Shelton for Powell’s spot. 
Zoom out: The Fed and the central bankers who comprise it are more crucial than ever as lawmakers and economists search for a way out of the current economic crisis. 
Looking ahead...Shelton and Waller’s next (and final) stop on the nomination circuit is the full Senate, where President Trump’s Republican Party has a majority. 
Francis Scialabba
Snap kicked off Q2 earnings for social media companies yesterday, and like receiving a Snapchat from your college ex, it was a mixed bag of emotions.  
Revenue increased 17% annually to $454 million, beating estimates but giving away slowing growth. Snap said advertisers have upped spending in recent weeks, particularly in gaming and e-commerce. 
Daily active users were also up 17% to 238 million, right in line with expectations. The company can at least high-five itself for creating a habit: It said the average user opened Snapchat 30x a day in Q2. Speaking of, please close Snapchat and continue reading this email. 

The fun stuff

Last month, Snap announced the “Minis” developer platform, which allows third parties to run applications in Snap’s app. On Monday, the first Mini with meditation app Headspace launched with six guided meditation exercises. 
Three others drop this week, including study aid Flashcards, clairvoyance game Prediction Master, and Let’s Do It, which helps your friends make decisions.
Zoom out: Against the backdrop of a Facebook boycott and last week’s Twitter hack, Snap’s holding steady. Its stock is up almost 200% since March and nearing 2017 highs.
Swap the mimosas for straight OJ, and you just might have a productive morning. On Monday, EU leaders reached an agreement on a momentous $857 billion coronavirus recovery package.
EU members will sell bonds to raise the funds, which includes ~$450 billion in grants for countries hardest hit by COVID-19.

They’ll remember this summit for years

But not because of the chess, wine, movies, and hallway naps. It took four days of tense, draining negotiations for German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron to get “the frugals”—the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Austria—on board. 
  • The wealthy northern European countries were reluctant to send money to their southern neighbors and wanted strict spending oversight and labor market and pension reforms. 
  • Italy’s prime minister accused the holdups of “blackmailing” Europe and risking the bloc’s future. 
Talks almost disintegrated as sleep-deprived leaders entered day 3. On day 4, aides “combed Brussels for extra underwear and fresh face masks,” Bloomberg reports
But in a testament to the power of the German-French alliance (and a midnight bowl of cherries), a consensus was hammered out on Monday. 


So Busy Livin' Life You Forgot to Buy Life Insurance?

In recent months, we’ve discovered there’s a lot of things we can live without—pants, gym memberships, being three baskets of wings deep at a bar...did we mention pants? 
However, life insurance is not one of those things we are willing to go without. Which is why we trust the insurance wizards at Policygenius to compare quotes from the top life insurance companies. 
With Policygenius, you aren’t just saving a lot of legwork, you’re saving some serious moolah. They can save you $1,500 or more a year on your life insurance policy. And once you apply, their team will even handle the paperwork and red tape—for free.
So while you relax and try to remember what it feels like to wear jeans, Policygenius will find the life insurance policy that best fits your life. 
Yesterday, the National Women’s Soccer League (NWSL) announced a new team will come to Los Angeles in 2022. The name? Angel City...for now. 
The backstory: A high-powered group of investors and celebs have been pushing for a Los Angeles women’s soccer team for several years. And if you want to start something in LA, you do it through hard work and name dropping. 
  • Oscar winner Natalie Portman and Upfront Ventures partner Kara Nortman started the group with entertainment biz veteran Julie Uhrman, who serves as its president. Tennis superstar Serena Williams, actors such as Uzo Aduba and Eva Longoria, and former USWNT legends such as Mia Hamm and Julie Foudy are also involved. 
  • Williams’s husband, Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian, led the investment into Angel City.
Bottom line: With this kind of star power, the now-11 team NWSL is ready for the spotlight.  
+ The team doesn't have a permanent name, probably because Brew readers haven’t offered suggestions yet. The Los Angeles Açaí Bowls? The Los Angeles Aggressive Drivers? Think about it and get back to us. 
Francis Scialabba
This week, the Brew is previewing next Monday's antitrust hearing by profiling each Big Tech company. 
Company name: Amazon
Volunteered as tribute: CEO Jeff Bezos 
The charges: Amazon is being investigated for allegedly using the data it’s collected on third-party sellers to help it make competing products. It may also be questioned about Amazon Web Services, the immensely profitable cloud unit it uses to subsidize its e-commerce operations. 
The rebuttal: Bezos will likely point to a few key stats, including that third-party sellers now outsell Amazon products on Amazon’s own platform, as evidence of Amazon's fair and equitable treatment of those third-party sellers. 
It gets even juicier. Read all about Bezos in the hot seat


  • Tapestry’s CEO Jide Zeitlin is stepping down less than a year into the job. The WSJ reports Zeitlin’s personal behavior was being investigated by the board.
  • United Airlines lost $1.6 billion in Q2. 
  • Coca-Cola reported a 28% decline in sales last quarter but thinks the worst is over.
  • Robinhood is putting its UK expansion plans on hold.
  • The New York tristate area increased the list of states on its self-quarantine list to 31.


Bam. Boo’s. Back. Alright. CARIUMA’s IBI sneakers are back in stock, baby. Made from bamboo, sugarcane, and cork, these carbon neutral, vegan foot puppies help you stay comfortable—and Planet Earth stay cool. On top of that, CARIUMA plants two trees for every pair purchased. Take 15% before they’re out of stock again.


Throwback: Pepsi’s 2009 logo redesign came from a wild pitch that analyzed the new symbol's potential magnetic and gravitational pull, among other qualities. Here’s the original PDF and a TikTok overview
Throw even further back: According to this 1913 Webster’s Dictionary, “humor” is a noun that means “to be moist” and “dilly” is “a kind of stagecoach”—not a Bud Light slogan
Smart money: What are investors doing with their money during the pandemic? Investopedia surveyed over 1,000 readers to find out. See which stocks millennials are putting their money behind and which sectors most readers think will lead the recovery right here.


Happy National Hot Dog Day. Here’s a trivia question about hot dogs:
There is only one MLB stadium in which sausages typically outsell hot dogs. What’s the city?


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Whether you’re rocking it as a weekday undershirt, a weekend statement piece, or you’re just looking to cause a stir at Aunt Margaret’s black tie wedding, our comfy tees will get the job done.
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Where else could it be? The Milwaukee Brewers’ Miller Park.
Must Read

Mail-In Ballot Fraud in New Jersey Points To National Trouble

Judicial Watch
In a well-documented case of ballot fraud, the state attorney general charged four men with casting fraudulent mail-in votes, tampering with public records, and falsifying documents. It’s a template for crooked electioneering and perhaps a sign of things to come.

Judicial Watch Asks the Court to Halt Newsom ‘Vote-by-Mail’ Mandate

Judicial Watch
California will flood the state with ballots mailed to countless voters at locations they no longer reside, including some that moved almost twenty years ago. Just the damage this will do to the confidence in California’s elections is significant and irreparable.

Queens, N.Y., Primary Gives Us a Preview of the Mayhem Mail-in Voting Could Create in November

PJ Media
Widespread mail-in voting could destroy confidence in fair and free elections at a time when this institution could not be more critical. It is not clear that Democrats have any problem with challenging our 240-year history of peaceful transfers of power. They tried in 2016 and appear to be more determined in 2020 if they fail to gain power.
Biden Plans Massive Education Power Grab >>

Read it Here >>


No Due Process for Kentucky Couple >>

Trump Takes Action in Portland >>

"Democrats Raise These Complaints But Don't Offer Solutions >>
July 22
Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel

Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel

Deng Xiaoping
Deng Xiaoping reinstated


Selena Gomez
American actress and singer
Willem Dafoe
American actor
Gregor Mendel
Albert Brooks
American actor, comedian, writer, and director
Edward Hopper
American artist
Bob Dole
United States senator

Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge: christening
2013: Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge, the first child of Prince William, duke of Cambridge, and Catherine, duchess of Cambridge, was born in London. [Sort fact from fiction in our quiz about English royalty.]
Oslo and Utøya attacks of 2011
2011: Terrorist attacks on Oslo and the island of Utøya in Norway resulted in the deaths of 77 people; Anders Behring Breivik later confessed to the attacks.
Walter Johnson
1923: American baseball player Walter Johnson became the first pitcher in the MLB to strike out 3,000 batters; his career record of 3,508 strikeouts stood until 1983. [ Test your knowledge of baseball.]
Bob Dole
1923: Bob Dole—U.S. senator (1968–96), Republican congressional leader, and his party's candidate for the presidency in 1996—was born in Russell, Kansas. [ Take our quiz about the history of American politics.]
Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of Wellington
1812: The duke of Wellington defeated “40,000 Frenchmen in 40 minutes” at Salamanca, Spain, during the Peninsular War. [ Take our history of war quiz.]
János Hunyadi
1456: Hungarian forces led by János Hunyadi, including an untrained army of peasants, won one of the most remarkable victories in the history of Turkish wars, resisting the Ottoman sultan Mehmed II 's siege of Belgrade. [ How much do you know about the Ottoman Empire?]
Support Your Local Sheriff and Camouflaged Federal Officers

'Equal Justice': The Politicization of Prosecution

Historical Ignorance and Confederate Generals

Progressive Policies Wreck Everything

AARP to Seniors: We're Not Accountable to You

Open Schools This Fall

Four More Examples of Media Bias

The Journalistic Malpractice of Touting 'Devout' Biden

Biden Would Emulate Henry VIII

Biden Will Destroy the Suburbs

Trump's Heavy-Handed Reaction to Police Brutality Protests Belies Promise of 'Law and Order'

'Mask Police' is Not the Answer

Radicalization at the Smithsonian

What Jewish Privilege Really Looks Like

President Trump Must Repeal Tariffs If He Wants To Win In November

5 Myths About the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Desperate Times, Disheartened Dad

I Was Wrong About Jerry Falwell, Liberty U, And COVID-19

The Only Poll That Matters

Gov. Evers: Saying Abortionists 'Execute Babies' Is 'Blasphemy'
Trump blasts Schiff as 'political hack'

Pelosi's condescension offers some laughs
Pelosi open to border infrastructure
I Was Wrong About Jerry Falwell, Liberty U, And COVID-19

World’s Leading New Testament Scholar On How The Church Should Respond To Pandemic

Even Angels Couldn’t Make Socialism Work

States With The Highest Taxes And Greediest Politicians

The Left Sells Socialism With Race

Far Left And Far Right Are Not Very Far Apart

Alas, Cities Finally Confirm What We Already Knew Regarding the Spike in COVID Cases

Battle of Portland: Mayhem Erupts as Leftist Rioters Clash with Federal Agents

Despite Woke Pressure, Red Bull Stands its Ground

Multiple Victims Shot Outside of Chicago Funeral Home

House Passes NDAA Reauthorization as White House Threatens to Veto

BREAKING: President Trump Urges Americans to Wear a Mask

Planned Parenthood's New York Chapter Cuts Association with Racist Founder

Revenge: The NYT Reporter Who Reportedly Tried to Dox Tucker Carlson Got a Taste Of His Own Medicine

Kentucky Couple Under House Arrest Because They Refused to Sign Self-Quarantine Documents

First China Gave Us Wuhan Coronavirus, Now They're Trying to Steal the Vaccine

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Connecticut 13-Year-Old Charged With Armed Robbery | Tom Knighton

Black Militia Promises Thousands For Armed March In Louisville | Cam Edwards

LAPD Officer Under Fire For Competitive Shooting Background | Tom Knighton

NYC Assemblywoman Hoping To Disarm Peace Officers | Cam Edwards

NYPD Commissioner: It'll Take Time To Address "Uptick" In Violence | Tom Knighton

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