Thursday, August 27, 2020


Daily Brew


The Ascent

Good morning. We've had a few of them this year, but yesterday was one of those days that zapped us out of our routine and forced us to acknowledge the immense challenges we face as a country—whether it's a pandemic, a massive hurricane, or systemic racial injustice. 

It may not be much, but we hope this morning's newsletter gives you the strength and energy to start chipping away at these particular issues, or any other roadblocks you're aiming to overcome. 




+ 1.73%



+ 1.02%



+ 0.30%



+ 1.97%



+ 0.80 bps



+ 0.12%

*As of market close

  • Nation: On Night #3 of the GOP's convention, VP Mike Pence delivered a speech from Baltimore’s Fort McHenry, the site that inspired the U.S.' national anthem. 
  • Economy: Orders for durable goods (aka long-term, major investments) grew 11.2% in July mainly thanks to new car and truck purchases. That came in way ahead of expectations.
  • Markets: Another day, another record high for the S&P and Nasdaq. WYA Dow? 

Ashley Landis-Pool/Getty Images

It’s every basketball player’s dream to take the court in the NBA playoffs. But ahead of Game 5 of their first round matchup against the Orlando Magic yesterday, the Milwaukee Bucks decided there were more important issues than basketball—they decided not to play to protest a recent police shooting in Kenosha, WI, and larger issues of systemic racial injustice. 

  • Following the Bucks' refusal to play, the NBA announced that all games were postponed for the night. 
  • All teams in the WNBA and a few in MLB and MLS also decided not to play out of protest. Tennis star Naomi Osaka said she wouldn't compete in her tournament semifinal today. 

What they’re calling attention to: In Kenosha, a city 40 miles south of Milwaukee, a white police officer shot Jacob Blake, a Black man, in the back at least seven times on Sunday. Footage of the shooting went viral, sparking protests and violent clashes with police throughout the week. 

As remarkable as this decision is, it’s not out of nowhere

The NBA made racial injustice a focal point in its return, allowing players to put statements supporting social justice on the back of their jerseys and emblazoning the court with the “Black Lives Matter” slogan. But players and coaches increasingly expressed frustration and discomfort with the situation, questioning whether they were only distracting from these issues by playing the season in a “bubble” in Orlando.

  • “I think coming here just took all the focal points off what the issues are,” Bucks guard George Hill said on Monday. 
  • LA Clippers coach Doc Rivers addressed the incident in postgame comments on Tuesday, saying “It’s amazing why we keep loving this country, and this country does not love us back.” 

Bottom line: This historic decision will ripple across sports and all the industries in its orbit, from media to finance. After all, that’s the point. 

+ Watch: Chris Webber spoke from the heart on TNT. And here’s the full statement from the Bucks players.


National Hurricane Center

Hurricane Laura, a massive and "extremely dangerous" Category 4 storm, was expected to make landfall on the Texas and Louisiana coasts early this morning. It's only the eighth Category 4+ storm to hit the Gulf Coast in modern history. 

  • As you can see from the tweet above, the National Hurricane Center warned of an “unsurvivable” storm surge.

Authorities are working to limit the damage: 

  • The American Red Cross said it sent over 600 workers to the states and provided shelter for more than 5,000 people Tuesday night. 
  • The Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority closed at least 410 floodgates, shut off pumps, and tried to plug gaps in the area’s many waterways. 

What it means for the economy: Gulf of Mexico drilling platforms account for as much as 17% of U.S. oil production. Laura is forecast to cause $25 billion in damage—at least $5 billion of that to refineries alone, per Enki Research. 

We’re thinking about all of our readers in the storm’s path. Stay safe.


Alex Wong/Getty Images

Last year at the Fed’s economic policy symposium in Jackson Hole, WY, central bankers from around the world huddled up over U.S.-China trade tensions, Trump’s attacks on the Fed, and Brexit.

What about this year? First of all, no huddling. Second of all, no Teton views—everything is virtual. Third of all, the pandemic has turned things upside down and the entire financial world is looking to Fed Chair Jerome Powell to shepherd the economy back from the brink.

Powell’s giving a big speech today, one of the biggest of his tenure. In his remarks, he’ll provide an update on the two-year review the Fed has been conducting into its monetary policy. 

One word you’ll hear a lot is “inflation” (when prices rise and purchasing power falls). 

  • The Fed has targeted 2% inflation, but we’ve come in below that figure for years. 
  • Some analysts suspect the Fed will keep interest rates near zero for at least five years to accommodate more inflation. This would be a significant change in strategy.

+ Where to watch: The Kansas City Fed’s YouTube channel at 9:10am ET.



There's a Lot You Can Do in 15 Months

The Ascent

A lot can happen in 15 months. When we turned 15 months old, we went from sleeping 30 hours a day to feeding ourselves (sort of).

But you’re an adult, so instead you should spend 15 months paying zero interest with this balance transfer credit card. In other words, that’s one of the longest 0% APR introductory periods on balance transfers. 

And trust us, building credit with this card is way more exciting than learning to use a spoon. 

This card also offers a 0% intro APR period on purchases, has a $0 annual fee, unlimited 1.5% cash back, and a generous sign-up bonus. Let’s see a 15-month old year old say that three times fast. 

Apply here.

Francis Scialabba

Facebook is peeved at Apple right now, and it’s not because it was forced to listen to an unwanted U2 album. In a blog post yesterday, FB explained how Apple’s upcoming iOS 14 contains a privacy update that will make it much harder for Facebook and lots of smaller companies to collect the user data fueling some of their targeted ad efforts. 

Let’s talk specifics

Facebook’s Audience Network business, which allows developers to serve targeted ads to their users using Facebook's data but outside Facebook itself, uses an Apple tool called “identifier for advertisers,” or IDFA. Companies use these identifiers to track user activity across apps. 

Apple’s iOS update will now explicitly ask users to opt in to that sort of tracking, whereas before it was "opt out." Facebook's read the academic literature—it knows opting in is a hurdle most won't climb. 

So, will Facebook be hurt? Maybe, but no one is sure how badly considering it doesn’t report how large Audience Network revenue is. Investors are brushing it off; shares gained 8% to a record high. 



A New Jersey government official confirmed that gyms in the state would be allowed to reopen September 1...exactly one day before NYC mayor Bill De Blasio is allowing gyms to resume operations in the city

Why it’s a big deal

NJ gym owners have been publicly arm-wrestling with Gov. Phil Murphy over restrictions on non-essential businesses since March, saying the mandates infringed on their constitutional rights. 

  • In NYC, it’s chests before tests: Gyms are set to open eight days before the proposed start date for schools in the city. 

Zoom out: With gyms closed for months, home fitness boomed. Yesterday, Dick’s Sporting Goods said online sales jumped 194% in Q2 and same-store sales rose over 20%. And anyone who's used a milk jug as a dumbbell knows that fitness equipment is literally flying off the shelves. “If you’re going to walk in our store, it’s still going to look like our fitness business is really depleted,” CEO Ed Stack said.



  • Moderna said its potential coronavirus vaccine generated immune responses in elderly patients in a small study.
  • A 15-minute COVID-19 test produced by Abbott was granted emergency use authorization by the FDA. It costs $5. 
  • Higher-ups in the Trump administration reportedly instructed the CDC to narrow its COVID-19 testing guidelines this week. U.S. testing czar Admiral Brett M. Giroir said the new guidelines were the CDC's decision alone. 
  • Salesforce stock had its best day ever (up 26%) following a bullish earnings report and news it’s going to be included in the Dow. It's still reportedly planning to cut 1,000 jobs.
  • New York City's MTA warned it could cut service by 40% if the federal government doesn't provide $12 billion in emergency funds.
  • Fall Guys is now the most downloaded PlayStation Plus title ever. Any Brew readers play?


Breaking News

Liberal Representatives Absolutely Fooled By Young Trump Supporter

With all the rising tension in Washington, it's always fun to get a nice laugh at the liberal's expense.

Although we can laugh every night by turning on the news, this time we can chuckle directly at the democrats helping run this country.

In this past three years, we've been able to laugh at some of the things people (even sometimes our President) bash the liberals about, but we definitely haven't seen anything like this before.

Congress staff members received an envelope containing 45 Golden Trump $1000 Commemorative Bills and a note on which it was written "Make America Great Again #MAGA!"

While the identity of the sender has not been revealed, it's safe to say that these representatives didn't love their gifts.

Of course, a gift like this would trigger any crazy liberal!

Democrats are now on a mission to keep Trump's limited edition bills out of the hands of his loyal supporters!

These golden bills have been in great demand recently but if Democrats like Pelosi are successful, you won’t be able to find them anymore...

Click Here To Claim Your Free Commemorative Bills
Limited quantities available.

Memorabilia experts say that such an unprecedented move could make the price of the bills go up at least 400%!

In the meantime, Patriotic Americans can still claim one for free here!

Grenell goes straight after the Obama-Biden admin for secret spy operation: ‘What I saw made me sick’

Former-NFL player, lifelong Dem Jack Brewer becomes Democrat’s worst nightmare with stirring RNC speech

Powerful moment when paralyzed GOP candidate stands, urges Americans to ‘be a radical for liberty’

Polls indicate no bump for Biden after DNC as Trump’s swing state numbers close in

Trump calls for drug tests before Biden debate and wants to stand: ‘They want to sit’

Jacob Blake told police that he had a knife at time of the incident, Wisconsin DOJ says

School choice advocate contrasts Trump’s reaction to son with Down Syndrome and the doc who pushed abortion

National Association of Police Organizations president holds Democrats responsible for ‘chaos’ in cities

Obama praises Milwaukee Bucks for boycotting their own game, urges ‘all our institutions to stand up’

The Five Reasons Trump Is Going to Crush Biden

Kurt Schlichter

What Is the Violence in American Cities All About?

Victor Davis Hanson

More Blood On The Hands Of Democrats

Derek Hunter

Are the Media Trying to Throw the Election to Trump?

Ann Coulter

Kamala Harris: 'There is No Vaccine Against Racism'

Larry Elder

Media Ignore Democrats Calling Out Own Party for ‘Abortion Extremism’

Katie Yoder

The United States of Perpetual Outrage

Matthew Betley

Two Visions of America

Laura Hollis

In Empathy's Name, Trump the Disruptor Offers School Choice to #WalkAway Parents

John Kass

Want To Boost Economic Growth? Tell Government To Spend Less

Veronique de Rugy

Joe Biden, a Moral Colossus

Emmett Tyrrell

Democrats Sweep Allegations of Biden's Sexual Misconduct Under the Rug

David Blair

Meet the Gender Transcendent Mermaid Royalty

Michael Brown

California Blackouts Result From Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources

Charlotte Whelan

What Trump and His Convention Must Accomplish

Armstrong Williams

Immigration Plans Must improve Job Prospects, Wages, and Security for all Americans

Jeff Davidson

The Dangers of 'Sexxx Ed'

Jerry Newcombe

Disproving a Negative

Cal Thomas

How to Win the Presidency

Jackie Gingrich Cushman

The Sayer And The Doer

Danielle D’Souza Gill

Why Patients and Care Providers Are Moving Away from Major Hospital Systems

Anthony Hopp

The One Issue Democrats Were Too Afraid to Mention at Their Convention

Marjorie Dannenfelser

Shakedown From the Strip

Jonathan Feldstein

Gov. Evers: Saying Abortionists 'Execute Babies' Is 'Blasphemy'
Trump blasts Schiff as 'political hack'

Pelosi's condescension offers some laughs
Pelosi open to border infrastructure
Demolishing WashPo's Racist Police Narrative With Their Own Data

Shocking: Body Cam Footage Released of Attack on NYPD by Illegal Immigrant Screaming 'Allahu Akbar'

Ellie Bufkin

WATCH: Vice President Pence Explains Why Americans Must Choose the Trump Administration Come November

Beth Baumann

Ric Grenell Destroys Biden's Foreign Policy With One Line

Katie Pavlich

Kellyanne Conway Defends Trump's Record on 'Elevating Women'

Leah Barkoukis

Elise Stefanik Gives Fierce Pitch for President Trump's Re-Election During Her RNC Address

Reagan McCarthy

Young Conservative Rising Star Madison Cawthorn Had an Incredible Ending to His RNC Speech

Cortney O'Brien

Triggered: MSNBC Host Upset with Kristi Noem Mentioning Leftist Rioting...Brings Seattle's Mayor to Push Back

Matt Vespa

Kayleigh McEnany Shows Us a Different, Much More Candid Side in Her RNC Address

Reagan McCarthy

Dan Crenshaw Defines the Heroism of Everyday Americans In Emotional RNC Speech

Ellie Bufkin

SD Gov Kristi Noem Offers Why Trump Deserves a Second Term With Four Simple Words

Matt Vespa

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Will Kenosha Be A Turning Point? | Cam Edwards

Some Women Are Carrying Guns On CO Trails, And That's Good | Tom Knighton

MO Bill That Ends Ban On Giving Guns To Kids Advances | Tom Knighton

Parkland Father Addresses The Nation In Moving RNC Speech | Cam Edwards

August Surprise: Dems Suddenly Decide Riots Aren't So Great After All | Cam Edwards

Dr. Ron Paul's Coronavirus Message


But what's happening in America right now is being taken advantage of by those who want to profit politically from the panic.

To them, it's a perfect chance to steal more of our constitutional freedoms and set America up for a socialist future.

If that sounds too extreme, just consider:
  • The Department of Justice recently asked Congress for the ability to detain Americans—without trial—during "emergencies" like this...

  • Others have proposed we "eliminate all political borders"...

  • And according to a recent story in Politico, the White House Coronavirus Task Force is considering creating a national surveillance system to track Americans' health information – essentially a healthcare Patriot Act!

Don't forget: In many states, it's now illegal to publicly worship at a church. A blatant disregard for the First Amendment. (And many state constitutions, as well.)

But this is just a foreshadowing of an even greater crisis...

One former Trump advisor is warning that this could spark the next Great Depression.

But I think the results could be even worse...

I explain why – and the #1 first step every American should take to prepare right now – in a short new video I put together.


Dr. Ron Paul

Biden’s Final Nominating Vote Came From Dem Senator Who Admitted To Slapping His Wife In The Face
Read More
Hot Today

NO CONVENTION BUMP for Biden, Insider: ‘We Expected Surge, Didn’t Happen’

NO CONVENTION BUMP for Biden, Insider: ‘We Expected Surge, Didn’t Happen’

Pence: Biden’s Election Would Mean America’s End

Pence: Biden’s Election Would Mean America’s End

Daily update August 27, 2020


Minneapolis stores looted as mayhem erupts following gunman's suicide: police
"As officers approached, he produced a handgun and shot himself," Elder told Fox News. Surveillance footage of the shooting showed the man ...
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MSNBC mocked for having Seattle mayor refute Kristi Noem's claim on violence in cities led by ...
CLICK HERE FOR THE FOX NEWS APP. "This is complete bulls---," senior writer Julio Rosas reacted. "You can scroll through my ...
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'Hoax' Traces The 'Grotesque Feedback Loop' Between President Trump And Fox News
CNN correspondent Brian Stelter says President Trump's “cozy” relationship with Fox News is “like nothing we've seen in American history.” In his new ...
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Remarkable video shows beluga whale calf birth
Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what's clicking on A remarkable video shows the birth of a beluga whale calf at ...
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Kayleigh McEnany to share personal story in Republican National Convention address
Fox News contributor Guy Benson reacts to the first night of the RNC, calls it a 'compelling night of television.' EXCLUSIVE: White House Press Secretary ...
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Stock futures trade lower ahead of Fed speech, GDP report
The major futures indexes are suggesting a decline of 0.5 percent. GET FOX BUSINESS ON THE GO BY CLICKING HERE. Investors are watching Fed ...
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Fox Business - Former Covington Catholic High School...
Fox Business is live now. 3 mins ·. Former Covington Catholic High School student Nicholas Sandmann makes remarks at the Republican National ...
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FOX 26 Houston - WATCH LIVE: FOX 26's Matthew Seedorff...
WATCH LIVE: FOX 26's Matthew Seedorff reporting live from Port Arthur with the latest on Hurricane Laura.
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Trump Points "Bible Pistol" At Obama...

Breaking: President Trump is at it again...

And Democrats, the Obamas, and greedy lobbyists from the pharmaceutical industry...

Are scared. Because what he's about to unleash...

Could put them all out of business. And it could put some of them behind bars.

Frankly, it's something that will shock most Americans...

Not because it could make many dangerous pain medications, expensive doctor's visits...

And arthritis therapies, obsolete...
But because it comes straight from the Bible - right out of the book of Exodus.

In fact, some Washington insiders I've spoken with are calling it "Trump's Biblical Pistol"...

Because like a pistol it could shoot a hole right in the heart of The Establishment...
Freeing Americans from the bondage of rising healthcare prices, exorbitant premiums...

Giving you control of your health... almost overnight.

And like a pistol

You can use it to target unbearable pain and suffering

And quickly annihilate them to have more comfort, independence, and relief from agonizing aches, pains and sickness.

But big pharma's lawyers won't let it happen without putting up a fight...

They’re working around the clock to make sure you don’t hear about this…

That's why if you're reading this you need to view Trump's Biblical Pistol before it gets censored.

View Trump's Secret Pistol From The Bible While You Still Can

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