Sunday, March 21, 2021


Report: Biden May Release Illegals in US Without Court Supervision
Migrants are seen in custody at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection processing area under the Anzalduas International Bridge Friday in Mission, Texas. (AP)
The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is considering releasing illegal border crossers who claim asylum without issuing a Notice to Appear (NTA) — meaning they will depart custody without a court date, according to news reports early Sunday morning. Such a decision would be unprecedented if enacted. [Full Story]
Miami Sets Earlier Curfew After Massive Spring Break Crowds, Fights
Officials are imposing an emergency 8 p.m.-6 a.m. curfew for Miami Beach, effective immediately after hard-partying spring break crowds trashed restaurants, brawled in the streets... [Full Story]
Pope Urges Fight Against Organized Crime as Mafia Milks the Pandemic
Pope Francis on Sunday urged people to fight organized crime groups [Full Story]
Report: Latin America Facing Worst Recession in Two Centuries
Latin America faces risks as its economy rebounds from the worst [Full Story]
The Great Devaluation of Paper Assets Are Upon Us. Flight to safety.
Congested Ports and Supply Chain Woes Hit US Factories and Stores
The cold snap that gripped the United States in February not only [Full Story]
LeBron James Out Indefinitely After Injuring Ankle
Los Angeles Lakers star LeBron James sustained a right ankle injury [Full Story]
Cancel Culture Spirals Out of Control
When Alexi McCammond resigned as Teen Vogue's editor on Thursday six [Full Story] |
Second Wave of America's Nightmare. The Real Crisis is Just Starting
Biden Admin. Signs $86 Million Contract to House Illegals in Hotels
Some migrant families arriving in the United States will be housed in [Full Story]
Poll Shows Macron's Popularity Falling in France
Emmanuel Macron's popularity rate fell 4 percentage points from a [Full Story]
Nobel Prize-Winning Miracle Molecule Opens Blood Vessels by 50%
Ex-Treasury Chief Summers: Biden Economic Policy 'Least Responsible' in 40 Years
Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers warned that the U.S. is [Full Story]
Netanyahu's Vaccine Push Hasn't Swung Election in His Favor
Vaccine "world champions." Israel's "the first" to return to normal [Full Story]
The Deadly Virus Side Effect No One Is Talking About
K.T. McFarland to Newsmax TV: US Waking Up to Fact of China Cold War
After the heated meetings in Anchorage between Secretary of [Full Story] |
Capitol Outer Fencing to be Removed This Weekend
De-escalation of the security perimeter around the Capitol will [Full Story]
If Your Gums Look Like This, 2x More Likely to Get Alzheimer's
Eruption of Iceland Volcano Easing, Not Affecting Flights
The eruption of a long-dormant volcano that sent streams of lava [Full Story]
Prosecutor: Man Accused of 1 Murder Says he Really Killed 16
A man charged with beating to death a New Jersey resident he says [Full Story]
Democrats in Panic After Biblical Remedy is Exposed. Watch This Video
Gov. Kristi Noem Sends Back Transgender Athletes Bill for Changes
Gov. Kristi Noem, R-S.D., returned a bill designed to prevent [Full Story]
Elon Musk: Tesla Won't Share China Auto Data With US
Tesla CEO Elon Musk told a high-level conference in Beijing that the [Full Story]
Probe Reportedly Finding No Evidence Tiger Woods Tried to Slow Down Before Crash
Theres no evidence Tiger Woods attempted to slow down before his [Full Story]
International Spectators to Be Barred From Entering Japan for Olympics
International spectators will not be allowed to enter Japan for this [Full Story]
Federal Judge: Anti-GOP Media 'Threat to Democracy'
A conservative judge on the influential federal appeals court in [Full Story]
Quake Hits Japan Area Devastated a Decade Ago
An earthquake struck northeastern Japan on Saturday, hitting areas [Full Story]
Rep. Jim Jordan: Dems' Radical Intent on Display With Immigration, Iowa Election
Democrats have proven just how radical they are in the first two [Full Story] |
Rep. Pat Fallon to Newsmax TV: Biden Handing Border to Drug Cartels
The Biden administration's open border policies are handing [Full Story] |
Eighth Cuomo Accuser Comes Forward
An eighth woman has come forward with accusations of sexual [Full Story]
CBP Requests Air Support to Send Migrants to States Along Canadian Border for Processing
U.S. Customs and Border Protection, in an effort to assist with the [Full Story]
Classic Board Game Monopoly Alters Community Chest Cards for 'Woke' Times?
Toy maker Hasbro is changing the time-honored classic board game [Full Story]
House Dems Urge Biden to Fire USPS Board 'Complicit' in DeJoy's 'Gross Mismanagement'
More than 50 House Democrats are calling on President Joe Biden to [Full Story]
Amid Border Surge, Confusion Reigns Over Biden Policies
It took less than a month for 200 tents to fill every spot in a [Full Story]
Senate Democrats Fear 'Armageddon' in Midterms if Filibuster Reform Fails
Senate Democrats have voiced concern that without changes to the [Full Story]
Fed's Jerome Powell: US Will Emerge From Pandemic 'Stronger'
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, recounting his fears a little over a year ago that the pandemic would exact a "grave" cost, said Friday in a Wall Street Journal article the U.S. would pull out of the crisis "stronger and better, as we have done so often... [Full Story]
COVID-19 Vaccine Scientist Says Next Target Is Cancer
The scientist who won the race to deliver the first widely used coronavirus vaccine says people can rest assured the shots are safe, and the technology behind it will soon be used to fight another global scourge - cancer. [Full Story]

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