Friday, September 17, 2021


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Daily Brew



Good morning and Happy Friday. And it’s an especially Happy Friday because we just read in this article that carbonated water is in fact just as hydrating as regular water. It’s proof that if you believe something is good for you for long enough, eventually science will catch up.

Matty Merritt, Neal Freyman, Sherry Qin














*Stock data as of market close, cryptocurrency data as of 5:00pm ET. Here's what these numbers mean.

  • Markets: While yesterday was somewhat of a snoozefest on Wall Street, today should be more interesting. In a quarterly event known as “quadruple witching,” stock options, index options, stock futures, and index futures all expire on the same day, which can produce fireworks.
  • Economy: Apparently, all Americans did this August was travel to Yellowstone and shop online. August retail sales increased 0.7% last month, a much better-than-expected jump that was led by e-commerce.

Andrew Burton/Getty Images

“Tax the rich”: High fashion in September 2021, perhaps even more fashionable exactly 10 years ago.   

On September 17, 2011, Occupy Wall Street began. Protesters first gathered in Lower Manhattan that day, railing against economic inequality and Wall Street’s influence on politics. Thousands set up camp in the neighborhood’s Zuccotti Park, remaining there until they were forced to leave two months later, in November.

While Occupy was centered in NYC, it went global, spreading to more than 600 communities in the US and many cities across the world. Inspired by the Arab Spring protests that had occurred the year before, demonstrators utilized social media in innovative ways to organize what was for all intents and purposes a leaderless movement. 

In 2011, Time magazine named “The Protestor” as its Person of the Year. 

Occupy’s legacy

People disagree about the long-term impact of Occupy Wall Street, with some calling it a flop and others arguing that it laid the groundwork for other progressive social and political movements.

The flop camp: One year after the protests, the NYT’s Andrew Ross Sorkin called Occupy “an asterisk in the history books, if it gets a mention at all,” arguing that it didn’t lead to any meaningful policy changes that would reform Wall Street.

Even the person who is credited with spurring Occupy, Micah White, who was the editor of an anti-consumerist magazine at the time, told the Guardian he was disappointed with the outcomes. “I think if you look at the last 10 years, activism has not worked,” he said.

The “it mattered” camp: Others argue that, while Occupy may not have accomplished anything concrete, it introduced a generation to protesting and made marching in the streets on a Saturday cool again. They point to #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, and Bernie Sanders’s bid for the presidency as movements that borrowed heavily from the Occupy blueprint. —NF


Francis Scialabba

The US, Britain, and Australia signed a major nuclear submarine deal on Wednesday to contain China’s military power in the Pacific Ocean, blindsiding France like the only kid who didn’t get invited to the birthday party. 

France is so infuriated that its foreign affairs minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, unleashed a tirade against President Biden: “This unilateral, brutal and unpredictable decision” reminded him of former President Donald Trump’s arbitrary and capricious behavior toward France.

  • France’s top naval officer, who was in Washington to attend a gala, booked his flight home early after French officials canceled the event in protest.
  • But remember, France, no take-backs on the Statue of Liberty. 

Why France is furious: Australia had signed a contract with a French shipbuilder in 2016 to build nonnuclear submarines, but this week decided to ditch France in order to get its hands on more advanced, nuclear-powered ones. The scrapped deal could cost the French defense industry around $65.7 billion. 

Bottom line: The US-led deal is rippling across the globe, angering both China and the EU. One day after the announcement, the EU launched its own Indo-Pacific strategy to beef up its military and diplomatic presence in the region. –SQ



Federal Reserve to Regional Bank Presidents

Tim Robinson saying


The Federal Reserve said yesterday that it’s breaking out the ol’ ethics guidelines to look into rules surrounding senior Fed officials' personal investments.

The investigation was launched last week after documents showed that some regional Fed presidents like Boston’s Eric Rosengren held hundreds of thousands of dollars in stocks like Pfizer, Chevron, and AT&T. 

  • Robert Kaplan, the Dallas Fed President, traded more than $1 million worth of individual stocks last year. 
  • And Richmond Fed President Thomas Barkin holds somewhere around $1 million in a mutual fund that invests in big names like BP and ConocoPhillips.

It’s not technically against the rules. But it did raise questions as to why three of the 12 regional bank presidents who play a huge role in setting US interest rates and influencing the economy can buy that many Apple shares.

Looking ahead...both Rosengren and Kaplan have agreed to sell their individual stocks, but Senator Elizabeth Warren (separately from the investigation) sent a letter to every regional bank president yesterday asking them to delete their Robinhood accounts and ban all the Fed’s senior officials from trading individual stock. –MM


The world, well, it’s complicated. But lucky for us, there are a lot of smart people out there working very hard to build a world that works.

With that in mind, we are presenting a new series on Twitter Spaces with our partners at GE to get answers to some of the tough questions facing us in fields like energy, healthcare, and aviation

Hosted by our very own executive chairman, Alex Lieberman will be sitting down with experts in these very important fields for a chat that is as intelligent as it is entertaining (his words, he promised). 

All you have to do to be in the virtual audience is keep an eye out in the next week or so for a link to register. Our first chat is on October 7, covering all things energy.

No word yet on whether Alex will be changing his name to Lightning Lieberman in preparation.


Stat: The Lucid Motors Air Dream Edition was rated as having a 520 mile-range on a single charge by the EPA, making it the longest-range electric vehicle rated by the agency. That’s more than 100 miles longer than Tesla’s Model S Long Range Plus.

Quote: “We know that more people die than would otherwise because of car accidents, but by and large, cars create way more value in the world than they destroy. And I think social media is similar.” 

Instagram head Adam Mosseri defended the platform on a Recode podcast following a flurry of WSJ articles this week that, among other things, showed that Facebook knows Instagram is toxic for teens but hasn’t done much to address it. Some social media users were puzzled by Mosseri’s analogy, pointing out that the auto industry is heavily regulated, unlike social media.

Read: The messy truth around carbon footprints. (Undark)



Tax the Quiz

Weekly news quiz

Getting a 5/5 on the Brew’s Weekly News Quiz has been compared to eating mozzarella sticks in a white shirt and emerging completely marinara-free.

It’s that satisfying. Ace the quiz.


  • Ford is adding hundreds of jobs to meet the booming demand for its electric F-150.
  • The World Bank is scrapping its flagship “Doing Business” report after an investigation found senior officials were trying to influence the rankings of certain countries, including China.
  • MA regulators fined MassMutual $4 million for its failure to oversee the trading and social media activity of one of its former employees, the retail investing folk hero Keith “Roaring Kitty” Gill.
  • This is the last Jeopardy! host update for a while, promise. Mayim Bialik and Ken Jennings will split hosting duties through the end of the year. In the meantime, you should definitely check out contestant Matt Amodio, who’s won more than 20 straight games.


The Motley Fool

Didn’t get in early on streaming service stock? Join the club...sigh. That’s why at The Motley Fool, they’re thinking outside the box with their latest “Ultimate Buy” selection. They’ve chosen what could be one stock “behind the scenes” of the streaming empire. Learn more with The Motley Fool’s Stock Advisor here.


Oh to be this flaky. Wendy’s Bacon, Egg and Swiss and Sausage, Egg and Swiss croissants are so buttery and so flaky and so toasty that...well, you should eat them. Plus, they’re only $1.99 each. Get yours from Wendy’s here.*

Follow Friday: It’s a fall-themed edition, so if you live for raking leaves, follow this guy who reviews cider donuts, Christine McConnell for crafts, and finally, foliage

Best songs ever: Rolling Stone redid their list of the best 500 songs of all time. “Baby Shark” got snubbed, but see which songs made the cut.

*This is sponsored advertising content


Friday Puzzle

Five words that contain the letters MO as a pair have had all of their other letters removed and placed into a pool. Put those letters back in their proper places to re-create the five words. 

1. **MO*
2. MO****
3. **MO**,
4. ***MO*
5. ***MO**

Pool: A, A, A, C, D, D, E, F, H, I, K, L, N, N, R, R, S, U, U, Y


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Humor, monkey, famous, clamor, diamond


The “Great Reset” started on January 20th with the inauguration of Joe Biden. Between now and the midterms, the American economy could be reshaped forever – and renowned analyst Jeff Brown has found the “lynchpin” to the entire plan.


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Encyclopaedia Britannica | On This Day
September 17
Wenceslas II


Wenceslas II

king of Bohemia and Poland

Anwar Sadat, Jimmy Carter, and Menachem Begin



Camp David Accords concluded

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scene from M*A*S*H

Folke, Greve (count) Bernadotte

German invasion of Poland in World War II

Frida Kahlo: Self-portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird



Axios AM
September 17
Encyclopaedia Britannica | On This Day
Wenceslas II


Wenceslas II

king of Bohemia and Poland

Anwar Sadat, Jimmy Carter, and Menachem Begin



Camp David Accords concluded

Britannica Premium Ad - Know better and scroll smarter this year with Britannica premium.


scene from M*A*S*H

Folke, Greve (count) Bernadotte

German invasion of Poland in World War II

Frida Kahlo: Self-portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird


By Mike Allen ·Sep 17, 2021

Happy Friday! Smart Brevity™ count: 1,493 words ... 5½ minutes. Edited by Zachary Basu.

🔋 You're invited ... Please join Axios' Andrew Freedman and Ben Geman today at 12:30 p.m. ET for a virtual event on new industries powering clean-energy jobs. Guests include Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) and the executive director of BlueGreen Alliance, Jason Walsh. Sign up here.

1 big thing: Economy beats COVID

Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios


America's economy is emerging from the pandemic with more well-paying jobs for those who want them, less hunger, less poverty, higher wages, less inequality, and more wealth for everyday Americans.

  • Why it matters: None of these outcomes were expected when the pandemic began. All of them are the result of massive government programs, Axios Capital author Felix Salmon writes.

Stimulus checks lifted nearly 12 million Americans out of poverty, according to new census data this week. Government programs also saved millions of people from losing their health insurance, even as millions lost their jobs.

  • Headline unemployment stands at 5.2% — low, but still higher than the pre-pandemic rate of 3.5%. The true unemployment rate, however, as measured by the Ludwig Institute for Shared Economic Prosperity, tells a different story.
  • Overall, true unemployment — people who are looking for a full-time job that pays a living wage, but who can't find one — stands at 22.8%, which is lower than the 24% rate in February 2020.
  • The rate has come down across all demographics — including white, Black, and Hispanic Americans, men and women.

The average wage now stands at $30.73 per hour, up 8% from $28.51 in February 2020.

  • Household wealth for the bottom 50% of the population stood at a record $2.62 trillion at the end of the first quarter — up 30% from the end of 2019.
  • The top 10% also saw their wealth grow, but not as fast — they're up 17% over the same period.

The Wall Street Journal's Greg Ip writes (subscription): "Much of the harm of recessions comes after they technically end," because of prolonged unemployment and depressed sales.

  • "The more rapid return to normality this time should preserve years of economic potential that might otherwise have gone to waste."

The bottom line: Pandemics are devastating, but the economic response has surpassed expectations. So the U.S. economy has grown from its pre-pandemic level, in contrast to Europe and most of the world.

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2. Kids' obesity accelerates
Illustration of kid on a weight scale

Illustration: Annelise Capossela/Axios


Children and teens gained weight at an "alarming" rate during the pandemic, Axios' Marisa Fernandez writes from a CDC report.

  • About 22% of children and teens were obese in August 2020, up from 19% a year prior.
  • The report says that among 430,000 youths (ages 2–19), the average body mass index (BMI) increase doubled between 2018 and 2020.

What's happening: Closure of schools and early child care reduced the ability for many kids to have regular physical activity and access to healthy meals.

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3. Some Black leaders eye talks with police
Rev. Markel Hutchins, CEO of MovementForward. Photo: MovementForward

A Black Baptist minister is pushing Black communities to engage with police groups on criminal justice reform — a counter to progressives urging radical changes, Axios' Russell Contreras writes.

  • Why it matters: Homicide rates are soaring across the country, and some civil-rights advocates fear they'll lose momentum on fighting systemic racism if they don't include police in reform efforts.

Rev. Markel Hutchins, CEO of MovementForward and an Atlanta minister, is spearheading National Faith and Blue Weekend — a project to build bridges between police and communities of color.

  • "The vocal minority that we've heard too much from in the media and in social media are the ones (who) are bastardizing and demonizing law enforcement," Hutchins told Axios.

From Oct 8. to 11, for the second year of Faith and Blue Weekend, churches will host social and formal events with law enforcement agencies — from rosary services for officers in Baltimore to community forums about crimes and reforms in Schaumburg, Ill.

  • The Horizon Christian Fellowship is organizing a cookout with San Diego police officers, and members of the Unity Gospel House of Prayer will play a friendly basketball game with Milwaukee police.

Hutchins said an overwhelming majority of Black Americans and Latinos support an increased police presence in some neighborhoods because of concerns about public safety.

  • "Fear causes a lot of these officers to engage in the use of force that is not necessary," he said. "But we also have to deal with crime and violence. We tackle this by engaging."

The weekend has expanded to include more law enforcement groups and churches following the 2020 protests of the death of George Floyd.

  • The Hispanic American Police Command Officers Association and the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives are also joining the event.

Context: Other civil-rights and advocacy groups are pushing more aggressive efforts to reform police, and say some law enforcement agencies can't be trusted based on their record of abuse.

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A message from Amazon

“Amazon has allowed me to live a comfortable life”


When Luv-Luv joined Amazon, she was just looking for a job — any job — with health care. What she found was so much more.

Thanks to Amazon’s starting wage of at least $15 an hour and comprehensive benefits, she is able to live life on her own terms.

Watch her story.

4. Pic du jour
Image: SpaceX

This is the view of Earth the four civilians aboard the SpaceX Inspiration4 mission get from their cupola — domed window.

  • 🎧 Listen here to Axios' "How It Happened: The Next Astronauts" podcast docu-series, going inside the crew's selection and training.
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5. Biggest toss-up in TV

Illustration: Annelise Capossela/Axios


A big signal about the future of TV will come from a bidding war for one of the most sought-after packages in America: NFL's Sunday Ticket. 

  • Why it matters: The winner of this multibillion-dollar battle, pitting tech giants vs. traditional media, will have a huge advantage as live sports go digital, Axios' Sara Fischer and Kendall Baker write.

ESPN, Amazon and Apple are all reportedly in talks to buy Sunday Ticket, which includes exclusive rights to air all Sunday NFL games, including out-of-market games that are unavailable on local channels.

  • DirecTV, a satellite service that until recently was owned by AT&T, has held rights to the Sunday Ticket package for nearly three decades.
  • The rights expire at the end of the 2022 season.

NFL games are by far the most coveted programming for any major broadcast or sports cable network — and they rarely come open.

  • Rights are typically sold in two- to-eight year packages, and can cost more than $1 billion annually. The NFL is looking for at least $2 billion a year for rights to the Sunday Ticket package, CNBC reports.

Keep reading.

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6. First look: Biden's economic case for green cards

Clothes are laid to dry Thursday under the International Bridge between Mexico and the U.S., where asylum-seeking migrants are waiting to be processed in Del Rio, Texas. Photo: Go Nakamura/Reuters


The White House will use a blog post today to promote economic benefits of providing green cards to millions of unauthorized immigrants, according to a draft provided to Axios' Stef Kight.

  • Why it matters: The post comes as the fate of millions of immigrants, including those with Temporary Protected Status or DACA protections, rests with Congress — and the Senate parliamentarian.

State of play: Any day, the Senate parliamentarian will decide whether pathways to citizenship can be included in Democrats' reconciliation bill — which would mean it only needs 50 Senate votes to pass.

  • The decision hinges on whether the changes to immigration laws sufficiently impact federal costs and revenues.

The White House Council of Economic Advisers argues they would:

  • The advisers acknowledge that legalizing undocumented immigrants would raise the cost of social programs. The cost "could be significant."
  • But that would be offset by increased productivity and taxes + "fiscal contributions" by the next generation.

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7. Clarence Thomas: Court could be "most dangerous" branch
Clarence Thomas

Via CNN's Don Lemon Tonight


Justice Clarence Thomas, 73, in rare public remarks yesterday at Notre Dame, said of increased politicization of the Supreme Court:

  • "The court was thought to be the least dangerous branch, and we may have become the most dangerous," Thomas, who received a standing ovation, said in a CNN clip from his appearance in South Bend, Ind.

On calls from the left to add justices to the court, Thomas said: "I've been on the court for 30 years. It's flawed. But ... it works. It may work sort of like a car with three wheels. [Laughter] ... Somehow you sort of hobble along, and you recognize its imperfection."

  • "I think we should be careful destroying our institutions because they don't give us what we want, when we want it."
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8. America's vinyl binge

Illustration: Sarah Grillo/Axios


Vinyl record sales are rising — and young people are driving the trend, Erica Pandey writes for Axios What's Next.

  • Why it matters: This boom made record stores rare winners in the pandemic retail apocalypse — music lovers had more time to listen to albums at home, and decided to expand their record collections.

The big picture: Streaming is still king, accounting for 80% of all music revenue in 2019. But vinyl isn't disappearing because it offers an experience that hitting play on your phone does not.

  • "There's definitely a hipness to it," says Chip Heuisler, who owns Tunes, a record store in Hoboken, N.J. "Hearing a bit of that pop and crackle adds to the experience."

For some, vinyl records have become like prints and paintings — art to display.

  • Big-box stores — Walmart, Amazon and Target — are seeing dollar signs and stepping into vinyl sales. But they're placing such big orders that vinyl manufacturers are struggling to fill them, causing delays.

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A message from Amazon

Independent study: Spillover effects of Amazon’s wage increase


New research shows that Amazon’s wage increase to $15 an hour directly benefited wages for other non-Amazon workers in those communities.

The report also found that their increase of wages to $15 did not result in widespread job loss.

Learn more.

Biden Lyin’?: Top U.S. General in Afghanistan Contradicts Joe’s Claim

Afghan Group That Is Resisting Taliban Forced to Hire DC Lobbyist

Female Democrat Elected to Senate Alongside Feinstein Hints It’s Time to Retire

Big Indictment Finally Coming in Durham’s Russiagate Probe: Report

 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just made the one mistake that proved to everyone she is a fraud

Joe Biden and Democrats have a lot to fear with Gavin Newsom’s pals so worried he’ll lose, they just unleashed this jaw-smacking attack

Joe Biden just picked one fight that he will regret ending up at the Supreme Court

Joe Biden just did the one thing that made every American gasp in horror

There is one video of Joe Biden that Democrats now want to erase from the internet

Joe Biden is about to be canceled after what just came out about his family

Joe Biden’s poll numbers fell over the summer as he lost support across the political spectrum.

Now Biden has a new problem on his hands.

And Joe Biden is about to be canceled after what just came out about his family.

Click here to read the full story >>

 September 17, 2021

Trump Issues Bone-Chilling Warning About What Will Happen to America Before 2024
President Joe Biden is damaged goods. In just eight short months, his policy decisions and his poor judgment have left the United States weaker, poorer, and diminished our standing in the world.... Read More ›
Low Mileage Seniors Drivers Are in For A Big Surprise
Here's a brand new policy that most drivers don't know about yet. Taking advantage of it at this early stage can save you a small fortune!... Read More ›
Clinton Campaign Lawyer Indicted For Role In Peddling Bogus Russiagate Hoax To FBI
A grand jury on Thursday returned the second indictment sought by U.S. Special Counsel John Durham in the more than two-year probe investigating the origins of the Russia hoax.Michael Sussmann, a... Read More ›
Biden Admin Bans Drones Over Del Rio Migrant Camp After Videos Show Thousands
The Biden administration issued an emergency order Thursday evening banning drones from flying over the Del Rio, Texas open air border detention camp after videos from a Fox News drone informed the... Read More ›
WATCH: 8,000 Illegal Aliens Waiting Under Texas Border Bridge To Enter U.S.
The number of migrants waiting under a bridge in Texas to be apprehended by the Border Patrol has doubled overnight and now tops more than 8,000 people, according to a report on Thursday. Drone... Read More ›
Over 350,000 Ballots Disappeared in the California Recall Election on Tuesday Night
On Tuesday night on CNN live in front of a national audience over 350,000 ballots calling for the California recount suddenly disappeared. ... Read More ›
9 Reasons to Use Coconut Oil Daily (3 of these are shocking)
Do the words Obesity, Alzheimer‚ Heart Disease and Cancer scare you? What if there was a food that was almost as healthy as breast milk that could literally fight cancer, combat aging, accelerate fat loss and reverse Alzheimer's?... Read More ›


Durham Indicts Democrat Lawyer for Lying in Russia Probe

Republican Who Voted to Impeach Trump Won’t Seek Re-Election

SPECIAL: This “pooping trick” helps people slim down fast after 40

McConnell Warns Yellen: GOP Won’t Help Raise Debt Limit

Gov.: We Will Help Texas Women Come to New York for Abortions

 September 17, 2021

Trump Issues Bone-Chilling Warning About What Will Happen to America Before 2024
President Joe Biden is damaged goods. In just eight short months, his policy decisions and his poor judgment have left the United States weaker, poorer, and diminished our standing in the world.... Read More ›
Low Mileage Seniors Drivers Are in For A Big Surprise
Here's a brand new policy that most drivers don't know about yet. Taking advantage of it at this early stage can save you a small fortune!... Read More ›
Clinton Campaign Lawyer Indicted For Role In Peddling Bogus Russiagate Hoax To FBI
A grand jury on Thursday returned the second indictment sought by U.S. Special Counsel John Durham in the more than two-year probe investigating the origins of the Russia hoax.Michael Sussmann, a... Read More ›
Biden Admin Bans Drones Over Del Rio Migrant Camp After Videos Show Thousands
The Biden administration issued an emergency order Thursday evening banning drones from flying over the Del Rio, Texas open air border detention camp after videos from a Fox News drone informed the... Read More ›
WATCH: 8,000 Illegal Aliens Waiting Under Texas Border Bridge To Enter U.S.
The number of migrants waiting under a bridge in Texas to be apprehended by the Border Patrol has doubled overnight and now tops more than 8,000 people, according to a report on Thursday. Drone... Read More ›
Over 350,000 Ballots Disappeared in the California Recall Election on Tuesday Night
On Tuesday night on CNN live in front of a national audience over 350,000 ballots calling for the California recount suddenly disappeared. ... Read More ›
9 Reasons to Use Coconut Oil Daily (3 of these are shocking)
Do the words Obesity, Alzheimer‚ Heart Disease and Cancer scare you? What if there was a food that was almost as healthy as breast milk that could literally fight cancer, combat aging, accelerate fat loss and reverse Alzheimer's?... Read More ›
Resist Joe Biden's Tyranny

Matt Vespa

Why We Lost to Governor Hairstyle

Kurt Schlichter

He's Lying

Larry O'Connor

Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo Drive People Away from Vaccinations

Brad Slager

Biden Administration Perpetuating the War on Small Business

Gabriella Hoffman

Preaching From the Gospel of Bob Woodward

Tim Graham

Mark Milley Exposes the Myth of American 'Democracy'

Josh Hammer

Americans Souring on Biden – and Washington

Pat Buchanan

California Voters Get What They Deserve

Michael Barone

What Prompted One Ohio Mayor to Give School Board Members a Choice: Resign or Face Charges

Leah Barkoukis

Virginia Gubernatorial Candidates Trade Barbs in First Debate

Rebecca Downs

These Purple State House Members Want to Run for Senate, All While Supporting Taxpayer Funded Abortions

Rebecca Downs

Leader McCarthy Shares Which Democrats He Will Remove From Their Committees Once He's Speaker

Rebecca Downs

Daughter of Marine Killed in Kabul Terrorist Attack is Born

Rebecca Downs

Sean Spicer Speaks Out on Jen Psaki's Going After His Military Record: 'The Gloves Are Off'

Rebecca Downs

Poll: What Democrats Think About Biden Serving a Full Term May Surprise You

Rebecca Downs

Sorry, AOC, The Rich Already Pay Their Fair Share

David Harsanyi

Democrats Are Trashing the American Work Ethic With Their Spending Bill

Betsy McCaughey

Biden Vaccine Mandate Is More Unconstitutional Overreach

Tommy Hicks

Communism’s Legacy in the Era of Woke Education

Andrew Langer

America’s Three Founding Documents: The Bible, The Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution

Don Sweeting

Only Simpletons Think Afghanistan Is Simple

Ilana Mercer

On Constitution Day, a Celebration of the Promises, Not Perfection, of Our Founding

Michael Farris

Virginians Should Vote For Life This November

Jeanne Mancini

Reconsider the Gen. Milley Scandal

Erick Erickson

Glenn Greenwald: 'Dizzying' Liberals Are Now Cheering for the Deep State...They Denied Existed

Matt Vespa

Grand Jury Indicts Dem Attorney in Durham Investigation

Rebecca Downs

Federal Judge Schedules Hearing on DOJ Request to Halt Texas' ‘Heartbeart’ Abortion Law

Madeline Leesman

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Reading, PA Mayor Issues "Call To Action" On Violent Crime | Tom Knighton

New York Files SCOTUS Brief Defending Its Carry Laws | Cam Edwards

MS Town's Police Hold Gun Rights And Responsibilities Class | Tom Knighton

NYTimes Columnist Not Happy With 2A Victories | Cam Edwards

Bloomberg Pledges $1.8 Million To Elect VA Democrats | Tom Knighton

 News from

House Repubs Seek Probe of WH Aid to Taliban, Likening It to 'Ransom'

Special: Biblical Bombshell Just Released. Must See

Rep. McCarthy: China 'Wins in This Tax Bill'


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