Saturday, October 2, 2021



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Daily Brew


The Motley Fool

Good morning. Do you know what it feels like to have your whole squad roll up to Chipotle in Morning Brew joggers and you’re wearing plain ol’ unbranded sweatpants? Don’t find out.

You can snag your Brew joggers by referring five people to the newsletter, but this is the final time we’ll mention it—the giveaway ends tomorrow and won’t come back for an entire year.

Get your joggers before it’s too late. Then, have a gr8 weekend.

Jamie Wilde, Neal Freyman, Matty Merritt














*Stock data as of market close, cryptocurrency data as of 5:00pm ET. Here's what these numbers mean.

  • Markets: Great start to Q4, everyone. The Nasdaq snapped its 5-day losing streak and even bitcoin popped off. Exciting data from Merck’s Covid antiviral pills sent the drugmaker and other “reopening” stocks higher.
  • Economy: A measure of inflation watched by the Fed increased the most in 30 years in August. US officials have stressed that higher inflation is a short-term result of pandemic supply chain imbalances, but higher prices have lasted longer than initially predicted.


Trouble in La La Land

A sign says "lights camera strike"

Francis Scialabba

60,000 of Hollywood’s behind-the-scenes workers, including camera operators, script coordinators, and makeup artists, could soon go on strike, halting much of the movie and TV production that had resumed after a long pandemic shutdown.

The International Association of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) called for the vote Sept. 20, after conversations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP)— which represents big studios and streamers alike—broke down.

Voting took place yesterday, and Variety reported that workers are overwhelmingly expected to vote in favor of striking.

What do they want?

Higher wages from streaming companies, for one thing. A 2009 agreement allowed streaming services with fewer than 20 million subscribers to pay workers lower-than-standard wages. It was intended to help streaming become more popular at the end of the Blockbuster era, but it's persisted to this day, when new services are ramping up the pace of content production.

They’re also demanding shorter work days. Grueling 14+ hour days are the norm for behind the scenes crew in the entertainment industry, with as little as eight hours before the next shift. New terms would require at least 10-hour “turnarounds” to let workers commute and sleep on weekdays, and 54 hours on weekends.

Everyone’s feeling the need to weigh in. Ben Stiller, Seth Rogen, and other actors expressed their support for the workers they couldn’t be successful without. 119 members of Congress signed a letter yesterday pleading with the warring parties to “reach a consensus agreement” because “a strike would dramatically disrupt the industry, the economy, and the communities” the legislators represent.

Big picture: Workers vs. entertainment companies has become a hotter debate in Hollywood than the acceptable circumference of sun hats. On Thursday, Scarlett Johannson resolved her high-profile dispute with Disney over her earnings from Black Widow.

But if ScarJo was the frying pan, this is the fire. This strike would be the first among behind-the-scenes workers since 1945 and far bigger than the 2007–2008 strike of 12,000 screenwriters.—JW



Merck's Jagged Little Covid Pill

Merck's antiviral Covid pill


Merck’s antiviral pill for Covid, molnupiravir, cuts the risk of hospitalization or death in half, according to results from a late-stage trial. That’s a super result—so good that an independent committee of scientists said, “We’ve seen enough,” and stopped the trial to allow the company to apply for authorization from the FDA.

If authorized, this antiviral drug, developed in partnership with Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, would be the first oral antiviral medication available for Covid-19. Scientists say these pills are crucial in the fight to keep coronavirus patients from overwhelming hospitals.

Other treatments for Covid-19 do exist. Known as monoclonal antibody treatments, they are effective at reducing severe health risks, but cost $$$ and are more complex since they are typically given intravenously. Pills you pop in your mouth offer a cheaper, more convenient way to keep people out of the hospital from Covid. For example, Merck’s drug is intended to be taken twice daily for five days for people recently diagnosed with Covid.

Zoom out: Other drugmakers, like Pfizer and Roche, are also testing antiviral pills. We’ll likely have results from their trials before the end of the year.—NF



The Postal Service’s Bold New Strategy

Nathan For You meme that reads "The plan? Increase revenue by offering worse service.

Oct. 1 didn’t just mark the first day you were allowed to play Hocus Pocus on repeat. It was the start of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s new 10-year plan to get the USPS out of the red, which is expected to make the mail more expensive and take longer to deliver.

Here’s the plan:

  • More road trips. The Postal Service is cutting the share of mail it delivers via airplane from 20% to 12%, meaning the 3-day delivery guarantee for your letters will be updated to a 2–5 day range. You can see how your neighborhood will be affected here.
  • Price surges. Costs for services like Priority Mail could run up to $5 more during the holiday season (Oct. 3–Dec. 26). And even after the holidays, prices for most mail services will stay elevated.

Bottom line: The Postal Service already has $188 billion in liabilities and is expected to lose an additional $160 billion in the next 10 years if DeJoy’s cost-cutting measures can’t turn things around.—MM



What Are These Bills Doing Here?

The Motley Fool

Something’s amiss...we keep finding dollar bills scattered around, like the ones above, which somehow scattered in exactly the shape of a dollar sign. 

There’s only one explanation for all that money flying around: People are getting wind of The Motley Fool’s “All In” Stock Buy Alert. On average, stocks selected for the “All In” signal have returned about 629%, blowing the S&P 500 into next weekend (or beating it by almost 5x, however you want to put it). 

You can go All In, too. The Fool just issued another All In alert—which they’ve only done 93 times in their history. 

But extraordinary stocks call for drastic measures. This one’s a tiny internet company right in the middle of the advertising market, which is 10x bigger than the online streaming industry. 

Learn more about The Motley Fool’s All In stock pick here


Key Performace Indicators

Tesla parked in a driveway

Sigrid Harms/picture alliance via Getty Images

Stat: Battery electric vehicles accounted for 77.5% of new car sales in Norway in September, up from 61.5% last year. Tesla’s Model Y was the No. 1 selling vehicle, followed by Tesla’s Model 3. Maybe Elon Musk should name his next child Oslo?

Quote: “We want to end this pandemic. We are all exhausted by it.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom said yesterday that all elementary through high school students will need to be vaccinated against Covid-19 once vaccines are fully approved for kids. It’s a first-of-its-kind policy in the US.

Read: Maybe Russian microwave beams aren’t causing Havana syndrome? (BuzzFeed News).



Venezuela’s Hollow New Currency

A man holds Bolivar bills a street market in Caracas' Catia neighborhood, on April 6, 2021, amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

PEDRO RANCES MATTEY / Contributor via Getty Images

Venezuela’s government introduced a brand-new form of currency yesterday that it’s calling the “digital bolívar” with six fewer zeroes than previous notes.

Slight problem. This new currency is not actually “digital,” no one has been able to get their hands on it, and even if they could, it wouldn't really solve anything. This is the third time Venezuela’s leaders have lopped off some zeroes on its currency in an attempt to address the country’s hyperinflation.

  • Venezuela’s rate of inflation will reach 5,500% by the end of the year, according to the International Monetary Fund.

Ultimately, the only thing the move will really accomplish is simplifying everyone’s math. Current payment systems and businesses couldn’t handle the number of zeroes on previous notes.—MM



  • Ozy Media is shutting down less than a week after a NYT report detailed a history of sketchy (if not downright illegal) business practices. That was fast.
  • PwC is allowing 40,000 of its US employees to work remotely indefinitely, the first of the “Big Four” accounting firms to pivot to remote work so drastically.
  • Google is scrapping its plan to offer bank accounts directly to its users.
  • Today in higher prices: Coal prices reached their highest level on record amid the global energy crunch. And lumber prices (remember them?) are back up 40% from late August.
  • The National Women's Soccer League canceled all of its matches this weekend following allegations that a coach, the now-fired Paul Riley, sexually coerced players.


Meet Gainful. They take an innovative, science-backed approach to nutrition, personalizing protein powder to meet your unique needs. Why? Because your health deserves better than one-size-fits-all. Get $15 off Gainful here.*

Makin’ money move. DailyPay, the fintech company valued at over $1 billion, is creating a new financial system that puts money in the right place at the right time, for everyone. Join them and Change Pay for Good.*

Home recs: 1) the best seat cushion for your bum 2) beer can-shaped glasses and 3) the much-needed laptop stand. H/t to our Sidekick newsletter for all these recs. (Sign up here!)

Weekend conversation starters:

What will the most popular Halloween costume be this year?
Shakira vs. wild boars

We’ve all been there
Good haircut or great haircut?

*This is sponsored advertising content


Brew Crossword

Brew crossword promo image

You know what to do: Slam the link and get a PR on our weekly crossword pu

Judge asks prosecutors why Jan 6 protesters are being treated worse than BLM rioters

Staff jumps in to stop Biden from taking Dems’ questions on failed bill: ‘It doesn’t matter when’

Macron, French politicos criticize ‘wokism’ leading to ‘The Suicide of America’

Sotomayor single-handedly shuts down NYC schoolteachers’ plea to block vaccine mandate

New video from Australia: Bloody hell… like something out of ‘a dystopian horror movie’

VP Kamala Harris takes unexplained trip

You won’t believe who Joe Biden just put in jail over the failure in Afghanistan

Joe Biden saw the one set of disastrous poll numbers that has all hell breaking loose

Terrifying New Law Coming To America?

A Never-Trump critic made a jaw-dropping claim about the 2020 election

Jen Psaki lost it when Fox News asked why Joe Biden never did this one simple thing

Special: Carlson, Huckabee, and Beck All See This Happening >>


Democrat Nightmare Unfolds - IT'S COLLAPSING!
It's on their watch >>

U.S. Generals IMPLICATE Joe Biden In Massive Scandal
This is real >>

New Revelations May DEFEAT Nancy Pelosi For Good
The truth is out! >>

Majority Of Trump Voters Want To Secede From The United States

Here's What We Know >>

Encyclopaedia Britannica | On This Day
October 02
Mahatma Gandhi


Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Indian leader

Charles Darwin



Charles Darwin's return to England

Britannica Premium Ad - Know better and scroll smarter this year with Britannica premium.


Tom Petty
August Wilson
All That Heaven Allows
Thurgood Marshall
Rod Serling
The Bridge on the River Kwai



Panama Official: 60,000 More Migrants, Mostly Haitians, Are Headed to US

Special: New 8-Pound Solar Generator Is Here

Rep. Perry: Infrastructure Impasse Shows Biden, Pelosi Not in Charge |

Sotomayor Lets New York School Vaccine Mandate Remain

  Formerly known as the Sears Tower, Chicago’s tallest skyscraper was built in 1970 by Sears, Roebuck & Co., then the largest retailer in the world. At its completion in 1974, it surpassed the World Trade Center in New York City to become the tallest building in the world, a title that it held for nearly 25 years. The black-banded building dominates the Windy City’s skyline and, at 108 stories, it is currently the third-tallest building in the United States – and the 23rd-tallest in the world. More than one million people visit its observation deck each year, making it one of Chicago's most popular tourist destinations. The structure was renamed in 2009 by the Willis Group as a term of its lease on a portion of the tower's space.

Firing Healthcare Workers Gives Up the Left's Game

Katie Pavlich

They Lied to Us From the Beginning

Kurt Schlichter

Milley Should Be Arrested for Leaking to Woodward

Larry O'Connor

CNN Awarded for Delivering Blatant Lies About 2020 Riots

Brad Slager

A Journalist Runs for Office, Trump to Blame of Course

Brad Slager

The Memphis Grizzlies Go Full-blown Fascist, Tell Fans to Show Their Papers

Todd Starnes

The Media Roots for Routing Republicans

Tim Graham

Media, Abortion Groups Recognize ‘International Safe Abortion Day’

Katie Yoder

The Lies about the Fed's Default Risk

John R. Lott, Jr.

Progressives See Victory As Friday Ends Without a Vote on Biden's Agenda Items

Rebecca Downs

Wyoming Librarians Could Face Prosecution Over Sexually Explicit Books in Children's Section

Landon Mion

NYC Teachers Fail to Get Relief from U.S. Supreme Court on Vaccine Mandate

Rebecca Downs

POLITICO's 2021 Version of 'I'm Just a Bill' Slams Filibuster, Praises Reconciliation

Landon Mion

Co-Host of 'The View' Says She 'Wasn't Convinced' by Capitol Hill Abortion Testimonies

Landon Mion

Joe Biden Says 'It Doesn't Matter When' His Key Agenda Items Pass After Desperate Capitol Meeting

Rebecca Downs

DOJ IG Finds a Deluge of 'Errors' With the FBI's Spy Warrant Process

Matt Vespa

Today's Top Headline

More Than 100 Americans Evacuated From Afghanistan on Private Charter


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Homeowners Are Frantic To Secure Insane Low Refinance Rates



Ivory-Billed Woodpecker And 22 Other Species Make The 2021 List of Extinct Animals

Ruling Means S. Carolina Schools Can Require Masks

Small Towns Brace For Change And Prosperity With Ford's Arrival

Who Is Killing 10,000 Black Americans Every Year?

Pat Buchanan

Biden Policies Need Better Arguments Than 'Orange Man Bad'

Michael Barone

The Democrats' Reconciliation Bill Is Unprecedented in Every Way

David Harsanyi

Insurrection Insanity

Joe Connor

Mexico’s President Praises Castro Regime for its ‘Dignity,’ Denounces US

Humberto Fontova

An Example in New Orleans

Kathryn Lopez

Don’t Waste Time Or Money On ‘Silent Earth’

Paul Driessen

Time to Defund Gain-of-Function Research

Justin Goodman

Hearings Produce Devastating News For Biden

John Ullyot

Biden’s Build Back Broke Agenda Deserves to Die in Congress

Tommy Hicks

Is MSNBC's Top Legal Correspondent Confused About How the Senate Works? His Tweet Suggests He Might Be.

Rebecca Downs

Spin Cycle: Dems Try to Explain Biden’s Latest Failure

Spencer Brown

Washington Post Changes Style Guide to Erase Pregnant Women

Julio Rosas

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Durbin Targets Gun Shops With New Legislation | Cam Edwards

Gutowski Destroyed Washington Post Gun Control Editorial | Tom Knighton

Activist Says Gun Control Not A Priority For Joe Biden | Cam Edwards

Salon: Corruption Stopped Gun Control | Tom Knighton

NRA Board Member Shares "Insider View" Ahead Of Members Meeting | Cam Edwards


September 30, 2021

BREAKING: AZ State Sen Files S.B. 1487 Against Maricopa County
Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend has filed another 1487 request to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s office seeking answers to the questions raised by the Arizona audit.In August, State... Read More ›
The Most Disturbing Secret Of The Big Battery Companies
The Big Battery companies want this new video taken down. They even have their small army of lawyers working day and night to get this video off the internet.This secret could bankrupt the battery companies…... Read More ›
California makes vote by mail permanent
Every registered California voter will get a ballot mailed to them in future elections under a bill signed Monday by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom.The law makes permanent a change adopted during the... Read More ›
NY Hospitals Prepare For Staffing Crisis As Vaccination Mandate Forces Mass Firings
With President Biden’s federal vaccine mandate set to take effect on Monday, health-care systems around the country are suspending elective in-patient surgeries and refusing to accept ICU... Read More ›
Fauci targets church choirs, says singers spread CVD
Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAD) addressed the John Snow Society for their Annual Pumphandle Lecture on September 8, 2021, hosted by the... Read More ›
Facebook studied kids’ playdates for marketing strategies, report says
Facebook researched how to market its products and services to preteen users, studying kids’ playdates and developing strategies to address parents’ concerns, according to an investigation by The... Read More ›
How I Fixed My Acid Reflux
Thousands of Men and Women Worldwide Have Been Successful With Eliminating Their Heartburn Pain Within 2 Days, and Curing The Root Cause Of Acid Reflux Permanently... Read More ›

SATURDAY 10.2.2021

SATURDAY 10.2.2021




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Daily update October 2, 2021


Fox News Channel celebrates 25 years on the air, unveils renovated Washington bureau | Fox News
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Jayapal says progressives will reduce $3.5T spending demand | Fox News
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Brian Laundrie's last contact with sister Cassandra in question as manhunt intensifies | Fox News
Fox News senior correspondent Laura Ingle reports from Bohemia, N.Y. following the family's press conference. It's unclear as to when Brian Laundrie's sister, ...
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Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh tests positive for COVID-19 | Fox News
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Arizona man rescued from storm drain two days after he entered system | Fox News
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Chicago DoorDasher carjacked for second time fires gun, ends up arrested | Fox News
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Sotomayor denies NYC teachers' plea to block vaccine mandate | Fox News
Denver police officer Jose Manriquez and his attorney Randy Corporon join 'Fox & Friends' to discuss the impact of the vaccine. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia ...
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Helicopter and plane collide midair in Arizona; 2 killed | Fox News
Fox News Flash top headlines are here. Check out what's clicking on A helicopter and a single-engine plane collided in midair over suburban Phoenix ...
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The 7-year-old Florida boy... - FOX 13 News - Tampa Bay - Facebook
FOX 13 News - Tampa Bay · 4 hrs ·. The 7-year-old Florida boy managed to reel in a fish, only to have a hungry alligator jump out of the water and steal his ...
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"Preview: That Was Awesome Guys" | Watch The Big Leap Clips at
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Confronting Racial Disparities in Lung Cancer Care
That's largely due to systemic racial disparities in cancer care—and in health care as a whole, said Fox Chase hematologist/oncologist Julia Judd, DO, ...
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Liberal Soros Connected Group Sends Letter to FCC Calling to “Shoot Republicans”

Milley Details Nancy Pelosi’s Attempt To Take Over the Chain-of-Command (VIDEO)

Twitter Users Notice Strange Detail Behind Biden in Photo of Him Getting Booster Shot

Taliban Issues Insane and Restrictive Order in Southern Afghanistan Province

Elijah's Cave

God’s glory is bountiful and can be found almost anywhere you look! In the Holy Land, every rock stands testimony to God’s gifts on earth.

There is so much more beyond Jerusalem’s Old City Walls. Our prayer team is blessed that we get to experience the wonders of the Holy Land, big and small, every day. And we want to share that with you!

This month our prayer team is going on a special delegation to Haifa, a city shaped by Christianity over thousands of years. I am excited to tell you we are going to pray in an extraordinary church.

The Stella Maris Monastery was built around a cave that gave shelter to Jesus. It is named after a great prophet Elijah.

We will be praying in Elijah’s Cave for God to give all Christians shelter. Send a prayer request and join us at this Holy place!

Sending awe from the Holy Land,


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