Thursday, September 22, 2011

Heart disease: Mass killer of women


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A year or so ago, I wrote a column describing and discussing my personal encounters with heart attacks.
I received several responses from the article, but the most unique response came from a 37-year-old man from Petal.
The person had been having chest pains but never associated it as a possible prelude to a heart attack ending in instant death or death within a few hours, if immediate medical attention was not received. Of course, he did receive hospital treatment thereby avoiding the heart attack.
A couple of decades ago heart attacks were associated almost completely with old men and a few young men.
Heart disease in the female population is not a myth. On the contrary, it is the mass assassin of women. Yet more than 60 percent of those women surveyed stated cancer was the No. 1 cause of death in females.
Only 31 percent knew what the culprit really was. It is a truth; cardiovascular disease kills more women than all types of cancer combined. In fact, deaths of women due to heart disease are twice the rate of all cancers.
The disease is unbiased and gender free. It is a mass killer. In America we have 1.5 million heart attacks each year with 500,000 deaths annually. More than 230,000 of these deaths are women.
To put these numbers in focus; the Civil War, applying the art and science of war, could only slaughter 550,000 of our youth, over a four-year period.
According to Women's Heart Foundation, a heart attack occurs every 20 seconds with a heart attack death happening every 60 seconds. Furthermore sudden deaths are more common in women than men.
The national Registry of Myocardial Infarctions reported July 22, 2009, women have a much worse outcome than men after suffering heart attacks, and women under the age of 50 had twice the death rate of men after having a heart attack.
Almost 14 million of us Americans have a history of heart attack or angina, and these numbers seem to increase almost without bounds.
Furthermore data shows 50 percent of those folks who have a heart attack will die if not treated within an hour after the seizure; however these mortality rates decrease dramatically for those who survive long enough to receive immediate hospital treatment.
It has been almost 45 years since elephants danced on my chest and I'm absolutely positive I would have died if it hadn't been for hospital treatment within the first 15 minutes.
The state-of-the art of treating blood clots in the coronary arteries has changed drastically since 1967, but the basic truth which saves lives still stands; get immediate in-hospital treatment.
And by the way if your hospital trip turns out to be a dud; thank God because it's the best misfire you will ever have.
Jack Knight is a retired mathematics teacher who resides in Collins. He can be reached at

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