Thursday, September 22, 2011

Solyndra, Obama's poster child

President Obama's poster child for clean energy, Solyndra, has now bellied up in the tainted political waters of the Potomac; another squandering spree of almost $600 million by Obama, the people's tax money.
This is criminal cronyism at its best and should be treated as such.
Emails, released by the House Energy and Commerce Committee in August and September 2009, document White House officials applying pressure on the Office of Management and Budget to provide a timeline for finalizing the loan.
The administration claimed the request was only for Vice President Biden to attend the groundbreaking ceremonies of Solyndra. He was Obama's good Samaritan, the giver of the green; $0.5 billion of green, all for green jobs.
Emails obtained by The Associated Press show the White House staff members downplayed the fact that Solyndra could possibly have a meltdown. An email to a Solyndra executive from Greg Nelson, a White House planner for Obama's May 2010 visit to Solyndra downplayed a July 2010 news story in a trade magazine that severely criticized Solyndra's poor financial health.
Just prior to the Solyndra groundbreaking ceremonies, the OMB, through emails, warned the administration more time was needed to provide due diligence reviews, and Solyndra had no performance data in energy panels. OMB told the administration they should "notch down" the deal but they chose to ignore the facts.
To compound Obama's Solyndra problem, energy panel prices were falling dramatically throughout the world.
Did Obama know Solyndra was a charade? On his visit to the factory in 2010 he called the deal a beacon of innovation while company had already imploded. It was in complete disarray; soon after his visit the company canceled an IPO and fired its management team.
Can Obama be held accountable for this fiscal fiasco? In all probability, no one in his administration will suffer any consequences.
The history of punishment of politicians for corruption in America is, for all practical purposes, nonexistent; but you know what's nice about being an American citizen, we can vote. That is the only poll that counts.
Jack Knight is a retired Los Angeles mathematics teacher. He lives in Collins. Contact him at

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