Monday, September 26, 2011


You know, there are some
things that you just never
think Mt.
Rushmore from the
Canadian side.



Frost for Congress

Dear Fellow American,

While you and I cut back on our own personal spending to balance our budget, what do Obama and his liberal allies in Congress do? They spend more of our tax dollars with the misguided belief that the more they spend, the quicker the government can get out of debt.

In this time of financial crisis, they have gone on a spending spree for items such as:

  • Museum Where Neon Signs Go to Die - $1,800,000.00 (yes, $1.8 million)
  • "Free" Grateful Dead Archive - $615,000.00
  • Poems in Zoos - $997,766.00
  • "Critter Crossing" - $150,000.00
  • Internet Dating Study - $239,100.00
Where do the liberals get the money for such frivolous projects? Just look at your ever increasing tax bill and your children's and grandchildren's portion of the national debt and you will see how Obama and his allies like Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and Dennis Kucinich fund these wasteful expenditures.

Since Kucinich was elected to Congress in 1996, the Federal Deficit has increased from $107 Billion to $14.750 trillion and climbing. Clearly Pelosi, Frank and Kucinich's ideas have not worked.

Will you help me halt the damaging far-left agenda by retiring Dennis Kucinich?

Like most Americans, we know private industry, and not the government, is the primary vehicle for job creation. But President Obama and Pelosi, Frank and Kucinich are determined to create make-work jobs by expanding the size of the federal government...again!

Instead of empowering Main Street, Dennis Kucinich and Barack Obama are pushing for a so-called "jobs" bill that is yet another big-budget, deficit-growing stimulus. It's just like Washington liberals to try and spend us out of a problem.

If Kucinich is reelected, we could be forced to endure at least another 2 years of Nancy Pelosi as the Speaker of the House.  A contribution to defeat Kucinich, is a contribution to keep the Speaker's Gavel out of Pelosi's hand. A gavel she would use to pass the jobs bill President Obama has proposed and more to completely beat our economy into submission.

I don't have to tell you that America is heading in a dangerous direction. With Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and Dennis Kucinich in Washington, nothing will get solved and we'll just keep getting more of the same. But with, you can bring me one step closer to defeating Dennis Kucinich and saving America.


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