Monday, March 25, 2013



Breaking News
Rove: GOP Candidate Could Back Gay Marriage in 2016

Huckabee: Back Gay Marriage and We Quit GOP

Perkins: Polls Irrelevant in Gay Marriage Debate

Special: Obama ‘Blunder’ Spawns Massive Profit Opportunity

Pentin: Speculation Grows That Benedict Has Terminal Illness

More Links:

Get Controversial Book Uncharted for Free — Just Cover S&H (See Details)

Trump: Get This Obamacare Book to Protect Yourself, Your Business

What Your Tongue Says About Your Thyroid. See the Photo.

 Center For Individual Freedom

"He May as Well Be Hugo Chavez And That's No Exaggeration." -Rush Limbaugh.

       Rush was talking about Thomas Perez. Although you may not know his name, as Limbaugh claimed, if Senate Republicans ALLOW him to be confirmed, he would be "the most radical, left-wing cabinet member in history."

       Make no mistake, Barack Obama nominated this hard-core Hugo Chavez radical to be Secretary of Labor to see just how far he can go... and just how much he can get away with ... he's daring Republicans to stop him and that is exactly what we must force them to do.

       As conservative columnist and former Justice Department official J. Christian Adams put it, Obama is simply issuing "a challenge to Republican Senators: in nominating Tom Perez as Labor secretary, he implies that Senate Republicans don’t have either the guts or organizational skill to stop what would become perhaps the most radical left-wing cabinet member in history." And Adams adds: "Whether the president is right about GOP senators remains to be seen."

       Well we're not just going to sit around waiting to see what Senate Republicans are going to do... we're going to take the bull by the horns and demand that they block this nomination right here and right now, by any means necessary.

       We're drawing a line in the sand because, quite frankly, if these all-too-often spineless Republicans in the Senate refuse to stop Obama on this nomination, there will be no stopping Obama on ANYTHING... and that's simply intolerable.

Breaking News

Last-Minute Cyprus Deal to Close Bank, Force Losses

Special: Buy gold for $234/oz. Sell $1,700/oz same day.

Rickards: Texas Law Would Protect Its Gold from Government Seizure

IMF to Trim 2013 US Growth Forecast
         Black Professor Calls Pre-Born Baby 'This Thing'
        Liberal Professor Tells Students to Stomp on Paper with "Allah" and MLK Written on It


    Dr. Ben Carson 2016?
    Democrats' "Balanced Budget" Still Results in Huge Deficits
    Biden Spends $585,000 for One Night Stay in Paris While Airport Control Towers Are Being Shutdown


    Bloomberg: Guns Will Murder "Another 12,000 People" This Year
    Term Limits: Learning from the Confederates
    Abortionist Charged with 7 Counts of First Degree Murder for Aborting Living Babies
    Some Public Schools Can't Handle the Truth

From Eric Rauch From Philip Hodges



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