Monday, March 25, 2013



We’re going back on national TV with a full frontal assault on ObamaCare, and already people are sitting up and taking notice.

With your help we're going back

to fight Obama's lies.

The Supreme Court may have (wrongly) declared ObamaCare constitutional, and the Democrats are still holding the Senate with an iron fist, but that doesn’t mean that we should sit on our heels until 2014. Far from it.
Now that Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity” budget includes defunding ObamaCare, we once again have a major initiative from House Leadership that puts ObamaCare on the chopping block.
And it’s up to us as grassroots advocates for liberty and financial sanity to do everything we can to put wind in its sails.
We at Restore America’s Voice have an ambitious plan to spend at least $20,000 a week – up to $100,000 if supporters like you will give us the resources we need – to show people around the country the disastrous effects that ObamaCare is already having on jobs, family budgets, and our national budget.

With your help we're going back

to fight Obama's lies.

Our campaign is designed to engage and empower the American people to speak out about what the Obama healthcare takeover is doing to them and their communities. Because that’s what we really need, and that’s what our organization is ultimately all about – making YOUR voice boom through the halls of Washington instead of that of special interests or the echo chamber of big-government elitists.
As we go further into 2013 and round the corner into the 2014 elections, we must form an army of We the People who are educated and ready to act to preserve our freedom. The first step to that is surpassing our original 2.1 million person petition to repeal ObamaCare.
If we can show an unprecedented amount of support for scrapping the law, it won’t be possible for Harry Reid and Barack Obama to ignore us any longer.
They’ll have no choice but to revisit the issue, and even though those two big-government fanatics would never get behind repeal, it will provide the media coverage and national dialogue we need to activate folks across this country in this fight.
Make no mistake about it – this is going to be an all-out messaging war.
For every minute of airtime our ads get, Barack Obama and his allies in the liberal media are going to use their positions of power to spread more misinformation and half-truths about what ObamaCare is really going to do in America.
Even though healthcare costs are going up, small businesses are struggling to hire, and our economy is languishing under the weight of ObamaCare, Obama and his cronies have no problem lying through their teeth and denying the facts.

With your help we're going back

to fight Obama's lies.


That’s why we have a responsibility to do everything in our power to counter their nonsense. We can’t wait until the election cycle is upon us to act while in the meantime they take to the talking head circuit on a daily basis to advocate for ObamaCare.
And, it’s worth mentioning that the Department of Health and Human Services itself is actively in the fray, advertising in support of ObamaCare. If Obama is going to shamelessly use the federal budget to push his agenda, we have to give a full-throated response.
This is – and always has been – an organic, grassroots campaign. Your support is what allows us to take this battle to the airwaves, and we need your continued backing to keep it up.
Whether you can give $10 or $1,000, every dime will go straight to helping us reach millions of like-minded folks and activate them for this effort. And even if you can’t afford to give today, you can still make a difference.
Please sign our petition and forward this message to every patriotic American in your address book. Get them to join on to our petition and fight alongside millions for the future of our nation.
We can’t afford to let the Democrats in Washington consign future generations to an America that is less free, and less great, than the one we grew up in and enjoyed. Will you join us in putting it all on the line for our nation today?

ken hoagland signature.png
Ken Hoagland
Restore America's Voice
P.S.   Please sign the petition today and give any amount you can afford to DEFEAT THE LIES and REPEAL OBAMACARE.

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