Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Hannity's Headlines E-Newsletter
Race Relations Worsen
There's little doubt that 2014 saw its share of conflict. Throughout the world we saw a rise in Russian aggression as well as expanded fronts in Syria with the ISIS movement. Nationally, we saw some of the protests surrounding the grand jury decisions in Ferguson and New York. Tensions were so bad that the Justice Department was forced to issue new guidelines on racial profiling.

All the while, President Obama spent his time fueling the fire by claiming racism is "deeply rooted " in society. A December Bloomberg poll showed most Americans feel that race relations are actually worsening under President Obama's administration and that feeling is only exacerbated by the highly-charged cases we saw such as Michael Brown in Ferguson and Eric Garner in Staten Island.

The deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner represented an opportunity for our country's leaders to bring us all together but instead, it seems, we're further apart than ever.
Trayvon Martin Case Lessons
I hate playing the "I told you so" game because it really doesn't benefit anyone but the issues we're seeing in this country around race relations are the same ones we saw over a year ago in the Trayvon Martin case. I warned my listeners that Democrats have been quick to play the race card and President Obama was quick to complicate matters when he had his famous "this could have been me" speech.

It would be ignorant to pretend racism doesn't exist in America but my concern has always been that our leaders not irresponsibly fuel the debate. The rule of law in this country has, and will always be, the corner stone of our democracy and we need to protect that with all the power we have. The lessons we learned from the Trayvon Martin cases should've brought us closer together but, seemingly have not. Throughout 2015, I'll continue to hold accountable those individuals who seem to profit off the race conflict and seek to shine a spotlight on the divisiveness they add to this important discussion.

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