Thursday, March 31, 2016


Why are liberals so upset about Donald Trump?
Why do liberal protestors and agitators have such an issue with Donald Trump? Sean sent FOX News contributor David Webb to an anti-Trump protest in Wisconsin to find out why some people are so anti-Trump.

Among some of the deeply insightful, detailed, and nuanced commentary from the protestors:

1) "He's got too much money."

2) "He does not support other races."

3) "Donald Trump has accused me of (pause) whatever. No I do not. Yes I am union. Union is standing." - Yes, that's a direct quote which was followed by "I support Bernie Sanders 120%."
WATCH: The full segment with David Webb

"You don't get much sense. You get a lot of confusion. Some people were barely coherent, and they couldn't give me any specifics," Webb told Sean. "You've got a lot of people who are forcibly parroting what's been said."

"You should be able to say what you're protesting and why," Webb added.
Eyewitnesses Speak Out After Teen Punches Elderly Trump Supporter, Gets Pepper Sprayed Multiple outlets reported on video Tuesday morning of a fifteen-year-old girl who was pepper sprayed after punching an elderly Trump supporter outside a rally in Wisconsin. Filmmakers Jeremy Segal and Andrew Marcus were at the rally and released exclusive interviews with eyewitnesses to Sean Hannity on Wednesday afternoon.
WATCH: The exclusive eyewitness video

"A lady started yelling in my face and challenging why I was here at the rally," the Trump supporter in the video explained. "I finally said 'I'm proud to be here' and I think it kind of escalated. Finally she took a swing at me."

"She hit me, not badly. It's not a big deal. But then over my right shoulder someone maced her. She ran," he said.

Video of the incident released online begins with the teen alleging the Trump supporter groped her.

"She did hit him," an eyewitness said. "Then somebody - I'm not sure who - I heard someone pulled mace on her and they got her."

The teenager was part of an anti-Trump protest at the rally which reportedly drew 1,000 people in total.

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