Monday, September 11, 2017


Connie Faulkner to Grady Clark   REPOST
From Ray Mckinney

Before I start this post, let me say that everything I write in the next five posts about this subject has already been RESEARCHED by experts, VERIFIED by experts, and PUBLISHED to the public. My only intent here is to condense everything that is said into a form that the common man can understand and then accept as facts.
Secondly, and this is very important to understanding, the reality of September 11, 2001 is this; ' If any part of the Bush government version and mainstream media's propaganda scenario of what happened is proven to be FALSE, then the 'entire scenario of the events of that day are false. You cannot have part of the official version to be true, and then part to be false …. that is called ‘cherry picking’ and will not hold water. This is critical in understanding 'The Big Picture' and in placing of blame where blame belongs.
In other words, if the plane that crashed in the cornfields of Pennsylvania proves to be nothing but a 'false flag' hole in the ground with a pile of smoking trash and no human bodies to examine by a corner, then that cast serious doubt and credibility on all of the other events of the day.
Or if it is proven that a 747-commercial airline plane did not hit the Pentagon, but it was instead, a missile, then the entire scenario of that day is false and the entire 911 plot is a deliberate government fabrication.
The question then become WHY and not WHO? The only aircraft armed with missile capability were our own.
All the events of that fateful day must be looked at as ONE event and all the 'dots must be connected' in order to get a truthful picture of what happened on that day.
COPY and PRINT, then find a quite corner and READ , over and over until a clear picture emerges.
With that said, let us begin our journey.
On September 11, 2001, 19 Islamic terrorists that were associated with AL-Qaeda hijacked four (4) commercial airlines of the United States and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States.
Two of the planes were flown into the largest buildings of the World Trade Center, Buildings One, and Two. A third plane hit the Pentagon in Washington, and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.
Over 3500 innocent American lives were lost on that day, to include more than 400 police and firefighters. The activities of that day changed America forever, some say for the good ... others say for the worse.
Hopefully, with this series I write, it will help clear up some of the smoke and place blame where blame should fall. I will only relay the facts as I understand them, you will have to be the judge and the jury as to the guilty party, but it will be very visible who they guilty are in the end.
It is highly doubtful that punishment will ever be melted out if you assess guilt, but nevertheless, in your own mind you will know and understand the truth of the matter.
And the “truth will set you free”!
September 11, 2001, started out as a beautiful day in New York City. It was a clear Tuesday morning, the skies showed nothing but a bright blue color, and most New Yorker's assumed the day would shape up as another great day to be in the Big Apple. Most people were on their way to work. The buses and subways were packed and no one wanted to be late for work. It was approaching the 9 am 'witching hour' where everyone was required to be in place and doing his or her duties for the company in which they placed their loyalty.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, something struck the north tower of the World Trade Center building One at 8:45 am. It was reported later by the mainstream media that it was an American Airlines, a Boeing 767. Flight 11 had struck the North Tower, building One of the World Trade Center on the 80th floor of the 110-floor skyscraper. Supposedly just moments before, that plane left Logan IA in Boston in route to LA. It was also reported that 5 hijackers were aboard the plane, all were armed with 'box cutters'.
One hour and 42 minutes after Tower One was hit by something, it collapsed on its own footprint. It fell as if in free-fall from a 'controlled demolition'. More about that later.
Within 1 hour and 42 minutes, a total of 102 minutes that it stood, people were witnessed by those on the ground to be jumping to their death from the tremendous heat being generated from something inside the building.
A count of between 100 and 250 people were soon lying dead on the streets surrounding this building from choosing the way they would choose to die on that day.
Instead of becoming human barbecue they chose to end their lives with a 6.5-second free-fall from 85 floors up. News cameras did not show the public all the bodies lying in the streets as those people trying to escape the building passed right by them when exiting the building.
Something besides jet fuel was causing the tremendous heat because jet fuel upon explosion burns instantly, and the heat generated after the initial explosion of that plane continued to rise in the building not receed.
After the collapse of Tower One, and for as long as two to three weeks afterward, molten steel was discovered lying in pools underneath all the rubble of the remains of the building, hampering the removal of the rubble of that building.
Steel WILL NOT melt into molten form until it reaches a temperature of at least 2,777 degrees. Jet fuel, on the other hand, WILL NOT reach temperatures in excess of between 800 and 1500 degrees. Another fact to consider is that jet fuel will quickly burn out .... dissipating the intensity and degrees of heat being given off.

So, I ask the reader to do your own math on this problem, and come to your own conclusions.
14 minutes later, a second plane, United Airlines flight 175, departed Logan International Airport also bound for Los Angeles. This plane struck Tower Two on the south side at 9:02 am. between the 77 and 85 floors. Supposedly parts of the plane fell to the ground six blocks away after leaving the building from its east and north side. Tower Two collapsed in the same manner as Tower One did, straight down upon its own footprint.
Tower Two stood only 56 minutes and collapsed at 9:59 am. The same pattern repeated itself in this building's collapse also. People were jumping from the windows to avoid being burned alive. News cameras initially showed one or two of the people jumping, but soon avoided that coverage completely.
These two planes were credited with bringing down WTC buildings 1 and 2, and then there was building 7 which supposedly came down because of a very small fire that could have been controlled, ... but wasn't! Then the order was given to “PULL IT”! ….
Building 7 plays a MAJOR PART in determining if the scenario painted by the media and the government was false or not. When I get to the part concerning this building, please pay close attention to what is written, and remember, “IF ANY PART OF THE SCENERIO IS FALSE, THEN THE WHOLE DAMN SCENERIO IS FALSE”… and our government has sold We The People a bunch of ‘wolf tickets’ expecting us to buy the horrible lie as told .

On this fateful day, president, George W Bush was scheduled to be in Florida reading a storybook, entitled, "The Pet Goat" to students in Emma T Booker Elementary school in Sarasota, Florida. The following information is very important, pay close attention;
George W. Bush had important business to attend to on September 11th:
He was scheduled to read a book, 'The Pet Goat', with second-graders students at Emma T. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida, the given media reason was to promote his "education program". Or so the story goes.
Before entering the classroom around 9:02 AM, Bush was aware of the crash of Flight 11 into the North Tower.
Later Bush said: "And I was sitting OUTSIDE the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, 'There's one terrible pilot.' And I said, 'It must have been a horrible accident.' But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have much time to think about it."
The news cameras picked up images of Bush when the 'second' plane hit the south tower of the WTC 14 minutes later. He was still sitting reading the 'Pet Goat' book in a classroom. Soon afterward the second plane hit the second building, the Secret Service then took him out of the room.
QUESTION; Why did the Secret Service let Bush sit there reading the 'Pet Goat' until a second plane hit the 2nd tower of the WTC knowing all along that a terrorist attack in progress?
What an appropriate book for the president of the free world to be reading while mass horror was unfolding in our nation. Was the title of that book an indication that Bush was 'being played as a Pet Goat' in that manner? … I say it was.
At 9:06, as Bush sat in front of the class, Andrew Card approached him whispered something into his ear, taking less than two seconds. He is supposed to have told Bush that a second plane hit the towers. Bush looked momentarily befuddled. He did not ask his staff for further details. He remained seated and read out loud with the kids for at least EIGHT more minutes, not leaving the classroom until 9:16.
After leaving the classroom, Bush remained in the school to deliver a brief scheduled speech, starting at 9:29 AM.
Then at around 9:33, his motorcade departed from the school in route to Sarasota Airport. Bush moved to his plane and departed. His plane departed around 9:45 am and was not heard from for the rest of the day.
His presence for the rest of the day was never disclosed nor did the media ask.
Finally, Bush returned to Washington at 7 pm in the evening. Where was Bush and what was he doing for almost 12 hours as our Commander-in-Chief?
The answers to these questions have not been forthcoming. Some say he was in Colorado at Cheyenne Mountain at NORAD near Colorado Springs, but this has not been confirmed, others say at Offutt Air Base home of StrifCom.

Now back to the attack on the Trade Center buildings.
The first plane, AA Flight 11 supposedly had 20,000 gallons of jet fuel on board when it hit the north side of Tower One around the 80th floor. Of the 2,977 victims killed in the attacks on Towers One and Two, one thousand, four hundred, and two (1,402) were in, or above the North Tower impact zone. In other words, the majority of those killed were at, or above the 80th floor in both buildings. This area was primarily the financial area of the building. …
It is most interesting to note that in the North Tower which was the first building to be struck was located the firms of Marsh and McClennden and Cantor Fitzgerald, both being 'investment firms'. This will be a major factor when we get to the part of 'Follow The Money'.....

Now for Building 7 and the critical part it played on that Day of Infamy. Building 7 was not hit by a plane or any other obstacle, but at 5:20 pm in the afternoon, this building also collapsed into its own footprint in the same manner as buildings One and Two.
Now how could that have happened without some DIRECT help from someone who planted explosives in the building days or even weeks before September 11, 2001?

Here are some solid facts about Building 7 that many Americans do not know:
Building 7 was a 47-story skyscraper and was part of the World Trade Center complex. Built in 1984, it would have been the tallest high-rise in 33 states in the United States. It collapsed at 5:20 pm on September 11, 2001. It WAS NOT hit by an airplane and suffered MINIMAL damages from the small fire when compared to other buildings much closer to the Twin Towers.

1) If a fire caused Building 7 to collapse, it would be the first ever fire-induced collapse of a steel-frame high-rise in the history of the world!
2) Building 7’s collapse was NEVER mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report. Not once.
3) According to a Zogby poll in 2006, (5 years after the attack) 43% of Americans did not know about Building 7 collapsing.
4) It took the federal government SEVEN years to investigate and issue a report for Building 7.
5) 1,700+ architects and engineers have signed a petition calling for a new investigation into the destruction of Building 7, specifying that it should include a full inquiry into the possible use of planned explosives and thermite.
6) Numerous witnesses say the possibility of demolishing Building 7 was widely discussed by emergency personnel at the scene and advocated by the building’s owner.
7) Building 7 housed several intelligence and law enforcement agencies, and the NYC Office of Emergency Management’s Emergency Operations Center, more commonly known as “Giuliani’s Bunker”.
One more fact must be added to the above list of known facts and that is;
Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of the World Trade Center complex, of which Buildings 1, 2, and 7 were a part of, GAVE the order to "PULL IT" for Building 7. This is common language used in the "controlled demolition field" when anyone wants to bring down a building with a " controlled demolition ". Then Larry Silverstein had to have ADVANCE KNOWLEDGE that building 7 was wired for a ‘controlled demolition’.

This was a TELL-TELL SIGN that Building 7 had to have been wired up for destruction long BEFORE the events of September 11, 2001 occurred !!!
Think about that for a moment.
Smart money says YES to all the above.
Many architects and engineers agree. As many as 1700 'expert' people in that line of business of ‘pulling buildings’ have said that jet fuel COULD NOT have possibly brought those building down in the manner they came down, and only a "controlled demolition" could have done that. I do not question the 'experts' opinion about their assessment.
Now let's talk a little about the person who was the leaseholder for all the buildings of the World Trade Center. Mr. Larry Silverstein, a New York jew.
Building 7 is the ROSETTA STONE of the entire 9/11 Scenario.
It is the ONE fact that abolishes all the other unknown facts of this Day of Infamy. but it is a fact that no one wants to talk about nor can they deny the events surrounding that building and how it fell to the gorund.
At least not, the insurance companies that insured the WTC complex for Silverstein only WEEKS before September 11, 2001. Silverstein and other backers of his put up a mere 185 million dollar in insurance money and less that a month and one-half later collected over 4.9 BILLION dollars and later sued the airline companies for an additional 3.5 BILLION dollars to include the insurance on Building 7, even though it was not struck by anything!
Now that's what the French would call, 'avoir l'audace de faire' ..... we would call it audacity!!!
Now, why wouldn't the insurance companies want to talk about a fraud that was being committed against their companies?
The answer to that question is very simple
The insurers of the WTC did not mention the fact that the World Trade Center Towers had been CONDEMNED for ASBESTOS in early 2001, just months before Silverstein bought them in July, six weeks prior to their demolition.
They did not mention that Silverstein DOUBLED his insurance coverage when he purchased the World Trade Center for a mere 185 million dollars.
They did not mention that Silverstein had 'hard balled his insurers' to change the coverage to a strict “cash settlement payout.”
They did not mention that Silverstein engineered his purchase of the Trade Center through fellow Zionist billionaire Lewis Eisenberg, Chair of the Republican National Committee and head of the New York Port Authority.
The New York Port Authority was the same people who had control of the criminal investigation and the same people who immediately started hauling off the buildings after the came falling to the ground...before any criminal investigation was ever conducted of the scene.
The insurance companies likewise neglected to mention that after doubling Silverstein's insurance coverage immediately before 9/11, Silverstein also re-doubled his winnings after 9/11 by claiming double indemnity.
According to Silverstein’s spokesman, “the two hijacked airliners that struck the 110-story twin towers Sept. 11 were separate ‘occurrences’ for insurance purposes, entitling him to collect twice on $3.6 billion of policies.” Silverstein's bizarre double-indemnity claim was approved in 2004. So why would Silverstein think it was necessary to "PULL" building 7? That is a mystery that deserves to be talked about for a moment or two.
At the time of September 11, 2001, Salomon Smith Barney, was by far the largest tenant in World Trade Center 7, occupying 1,202,900 sq. ft. (64 percent of the building) which included floors 28–45. Salomon Smith Barney was another 'investment' company. Other major tenants included ITT Hartford Group, American Express Bank International, Standard Chartered Bank, the Securities and Exchange Commission, (very important to this investigation) the Internal Revenue Service (also important to the investigation) , New York FEMA, Immigration and Naturalization Service and the Department of Defense. Some of these agencies will come into prominence in part five of my post … "Follow The Money".
These company and governmental agencies lost ALL records and accountability when this building went down.

Remember this, it plays critically into another area of this report, and is most critical in "Following the Money".
Later, we are 'off to Washington' and the carnage at the Pentagon.
                                                                           BY  CONNIE FAULKNER

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