Monday, September 11, 2017


Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Monday, September 11th
WATCH: President Trump Honors 9/11 Victims, First Responders
President Donald Trump honored victims of the September 11th terror attacks outside the Pentagon on Monday, marking the 16th anniversary of the deadliest terror attack in US history and vowing to protect American citizens from "savage killers."
ON THE BRINK: Kim Warns US of 'Greatest Pain' in American History
The North Korean regime issued a stark warning to the United States over the weekend, saying the US would face the "greatest pain and suffering" in American history should the United Nations pass new sanctions against the communist nation, reports Bloomberg.
FIREWORKS: Steve Bannon UNLOADS on Hillary During Interview
Former senior White House advisor Steve Bannon slammed Hillary Clinton during an interview over the weekend, saying the doomed Presidential candidate was "not very bright" and "doesn't have a grasp on what's important."

Bannon made his comments while speaking with CBS News, blasting the former Secretary of State for spouting "nonsense" during her "embarrassing" campaign events throughout the 2016 election.
IT BEGINS: Cory Booker Publicly Supports Bernie's 'Medicare For All'
Liberal New Jersey Senator Cory Booker is the latest Democratic lawmaker to publicly support Bernie Sander's proposed "Medicare-for-all" legislation, saying a universal healthcare system has "got to happen" and thanking Barack Obama for "taking the first step."

The left-wing democrat was speaking with a local New Jersey television station when he openly backed socialist Senator Bernie Sanders proposed state-run healthcare program, announcing he would be co-sponsoring the bill.
Trey Gowdy: Democrats are Terrified Trump Dossier is 'Piece of Fiction'
South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy believes liberal lawmakers are terrified the infamous 'Trump Dossier' will be revealed to be a total "piece of fiction," questioning democratic motives as they try and stonewall Congress's investigation into the debunked document.

Gowdy, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, fired-back at democrats after they accused his committee of trying to "discredit" the dossier at the heart of the liberal Russia-Trump conspiracy theory.
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