Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Tuesday, September 26th
CRISIS IN KOREA: California Prepares for 'Catastrophic' Nuke Attack
As the war of words between President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un continues to escalate, officials throughout California are preparing for the worst; issuing new guidelines and emergency plans should the west coast bear the brunt of a full-fledged nuclear exchange.
New Poll Shows Most Americans Stand with Trump on NFL Protests
A new poll conducted by the Remington Research Group shows the vast majority of Americans strongly agree with President Trump's tough stance against professional athletes who protest the national anthem; signaling even more trouble for the National Football League after a weekend of demonstrations.

FLATLINE: Mitch McConnell Pulls the Plug on GOP Healthcare Bill
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell officially pulled the plug on the GOP's latest efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare, telling fellow Senators there will not be a vote on the Graham-Cassidy bill and admitting yet another defeat in his final push to make good on a seven-year promise.

According to the New York Times, McConnell made his final decision hours after Sen. Susan Collins of Maine announced her opposition the legislation; joining Sen. John McCain and Rand Paul's 'no' votes and ending the bill's chances of passing the Senate.
WATCH: Despicable Dems 'Take a Knee' in Congress to Protest Trump
Desperate Democrats continued to reach a new low on Tuesday, with some liberal lawmakers "taking a knee" on the floor of the House of Representatives to show solidarity with NFL players who protested the US national anthem over the weekend.

Rep. Mark Pocan, Sheila Jackson Lee, and others knelt on the House floor in protest of President Trump's harsh criticism of professional athletes who refuse to stand during the 'Star-Spangled Banner.'
VILE: NY Times Publishes Article 'Admiring' Sex-Offender Anthony Weiner
The left-leaning New York Times published a vile article on Monday applauding disgraced Congressman Anthony Weiner; just hours after the sex offender was sentenced to 21 months in prison for "sexting" with a 15-year-old teenager.

The story, titled "Why I Admire Anthony Weiner," applauds the liberal politician for admitting to his "disease" and says he "knows the difference between having a compulsion and acting on it."
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