Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Sean Hannity Newsletter
Hannity's Headlines
Wednesday, September 27th
UNDER ATTACK: 'Mad Dog' Mattis Targeted in Taliban Ambush
Secretary of Defense James 'Mad Dog' Mattis was the target of Taliban attack on Wednesday, when nearly fifty rockets and grenades were hurled at Kabul's main airport moments after the Pentagon chief arrived for high-level talks with his Afghani counterparts.
O'Reilly on Hannity: Liberal Activists Want to 'Wipe-Out' Free Speech
Bill O'Reilly stopped by 'Hannity' for an exclusive interview on Tuesday night, telling Sean that the mainstream media and liberal propagandists were out to destroy President Trump and "anyone who voted for him."

WATCH: Unhinged Hillary Hints 'Authoritarian' Trump May Kill Journalists
Hillary Clinton continued her unhinged book tour this week, saying that President Trump "doesn't value democracy" and hoping the Commander-in-Chief hasn't yet ordered the "killing of people and journalists" around the country.

The former Secretary of State was speaking with CBS News' Charlie Rose when she made the stunning statement, directly comparing President Trump with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

"I don't think he really values Democracy," said Clinton.
COLLUSION: Trump Says Facebook and 'Fake News' Campaigned for Clinton
President Trump called out social media and cable news networks on Wednesday morning, blasting the "fake news" outlets that "colluded" against him in the 2016 presidential election; adding that "the people were Pro-Trump!"

The President vented his frustration on twitter, days after news leaked that special counsel Robert Mueller's FBI probe was digging into allegations Russia had used Facebook to sway voters away from Hillary Clinton.
TRUE PATRIOT: Widow of 'American Sniper' Releases Letter to NFL Protesters
Taya Kyle, the widow of famed 'American Sniper' Chris Kyle, released a strongly worded letter to NFL protesters on Tuesday, saying their "desire to focus on division" has "shattered" what most Americans love about the sport; adding the league has "lost" her support.

Kyle released her statement on social media, urging players who refuse to honor the American flag to "get off your knees and get to work."

"Your desire to focus on division and anger has shattered what many people loved most about the sport. Football was really a metaphor for our ideal world -different backgrounds, talents, and histories actually made us one big team with one big goal - to do well, to win, TOGETHER," she writes.
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